I love to grow

So if i have this right, a master grower needs to be able to adapt and address multiple strains and situations all simultaneously ? Why are you asking? You should be able to read your plant and situation, no?

That was all taught when I attended Master Growers University. I was fortunate enough when I attended that the cost was affordable and I wasn't left with a huge student loan that I had to pay back. I received several scholarships that paid for most and the rest was covered by grants.

It's unfortunate that today many aspiring Master Growers will never achieve their dream because of the financial costs. I was lucky and my dream came true.

Every morning I wake up happy as a clam at my good fortune. It's like I'm walking on sunshine.

That was all taught when I attended Master Growers University. I was fortunate enough when I attended that the cost was affordable and I wasn't left with a huge student loan that I had to pay back. I received several scholarships that paid for most and the rest was covered by grants.

It's unfortunate that today many aspiring Master Growers will never achieve their dream because of the financial costs. I was lucky and my dream came true.

Every morning I wake up happy as a clam at my good fortune. It's like I'm walking on sunshine.

That right homie I don’t know you but I’m proud of you bro I will totally take advice or implement something you know into my grow seems you are a very knowledgeable person
That was all taught when I attended Master Growers University. I was fortunate enough when I attended that the cost was affordable and I wasn't left with a huge student loan that I had to pay back. I received several scholarships that paid for most and the rest was covered by grants.

It's unfortunate that today many aspiring Master Growers will never achieve their dream because of the financial costs. I was lucky and my dream came true.

Every morning I wake up happy as a clam at my good fortune. It's like I'm walking on sunshine.

Wish there where more like you on this closet growers web site i know of two people on here that are solid master growers
See thats sorta my point. I am novice but isn’t a master grower past really needing advice. Guys like xtsho, double jj and several others give advise and im not sure ive ever seen them ask advice. No offense meant to anyone
See thats sorta my point. I am novice but isn’t a master grower past really needing advice. Guys like xtsho, double jj and several others give advise and im not sure ive ever seen them ask advice. No offense meant to anyone
A wise man asks questions a genius asks questions and believe me they have questions as well as they do research This was just a question on how long other people take their strains it’s not to teach me anything
See thats sorta my point. I am novice but isn’t a master grower past really needing advice. Guys like xtsho, double jj and several others give advise and im not sure ive ever seen them ask advice. No offense meant to anyone
Ya I mean you want a dam or hydroelectric plant designed hit me up - been doing that for 35 years and instruct others, write legislation….but I can’t grow a damn tomato plant without help lol.
Anyone that uses the term master grow, is in fact not one.
So a doctor is not a doctor he’s a nurse right construction workers not a construction worker he’s a Lego block builder A carpenter is not a carpenter right a machine specialist is in a machine specialist on and on people like you sorry to say is the problem with this industry I earn my title I’m allowed to say and choose to be what I am because I work hard for what I am now if you fall under the category of a closet grower just give me your closet grower does it make your master grower doesn’t make you a bad grower you’re just a grower you’re not a master grower
Anyone that uses the term master grow, is in fact not one.
Now you gonna tell me one light is equal to 40 lights to 100 light room lol wt a joke I am a master grower I’m proud and happy :weed: to say that it took me10 years to master this plant I didn’t come on here for advice once again I came on here to start a conversation piece on some exotic strains that I bet you haven’t even laid hands on