I love riu


Well-Known Member
I like the fact that I can come here and be around likeminded people . When everything else is going to shit, I can come here and get treated with respect. Who'd have thought, on the internet. I love you guys, keep smiling LGC;-)


New Member
Good forums with a respectable community are hard to find! Cherish the ones that you do! I've only been on here for a day now, but the community seems full of very nice, like-minded and experienced people with a lot of different ideas and methods, its awesome to come to a place such as this and listen to what others have to say! I've been around a lot of forums for different things and the good ones you can really enjoy being a part of :mrgreen:

Props to RIU! And to all these knowledgeable and nice peeps!


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard DocCannabis. Things are a little different in tokentalk, politics section I stay away from all together.

You can definetly find answers to any questions here if you now how and who to look for. Good Luck and Happy Growing!!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard DocCannabis. Things are a little different in tokentalk, politics section I stay away from all together.

You can definetly find answers to any questions here if you now how and who to look for. Good Luck and Happy Growing!!!
Yeah, the forums are very well divided. TnT I think will always be my fav.


Well-Known Member
That's the problem, cn, I'd put everyone in the boat and row it for them, people take advantage. I have a 2 year old daughter I think I will just worry about her now, nobody else.SAM_2775.jpg


New Member
Welcome aboard DocCannabis. Things are a little different in tokentalk, politics section I stay away from all together.

You can definetly find answers to any questions here if you now how and who to look for. Good Luck and Happy Growing!!!
Thanks! and likewise!


Well-Known Member
yea this is my daily getaway. riu is always good for a laugh and helpful tips for growin

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Whether its to chat, learn how to grow/strain info.., or to simply have a laugh, RIU is the best weed related site, let alone a sweet ass place to chill bongsmilie