I love flora micro hardwater!


Well-Known Member
I have started to use flora micor hardwater until i get an ro machine and wow! I have not had to ph my shit since. It stays 5.8 or so. I had huge ph probs and none now,

i attribute this to the micro as I have heard it phs down to adjust or phs down as it adjusts but whatever is working and rocking my girls quite well.

Also I gave a seedling 10 days old a mix they prescribe for seedlings but i nervouslt halved that as I am sick of nute burn and no probs at all.

My water is hard like 800 ppm.


Well-Known Member
Thats great news for me having huge problems with PH even using RO water. Micro hard water just arrived yesterday. Gonna redo my res's today hope it works as well for me


Well-Known Member
yeah dont freak out on the ph with it as it lowers over time not like a ph down quick fix. I was advised to wait and give it a day to do its work. adding ph down a few growers advised might get you too low eventually. But just watch everything/

what are you growing in? I am in 4x4 rockwool on a fllod tray and also running a waterfarm. I prepped the rw cubes badly so it too a few weeks for that also to straighten out. In week 7 I dont even worry plus now i got micro hardwater which know its game.


yes really great product from GH. Specially applicable in place of flora micro if base water ppm is over 200 and calcium ppm is over 70. Happy Gardening