i love flea markets!


Well-Known Member
i went to the flea market the other day and got a wicked survival knife with a compass a new bong that is about 6" tall a little micro bong for 20 bucks withthe slide and oi also got this dope shirt that has a stop sign and says "stop snitching" was like 10 bucks and actually my size (hard to find clothes that fit when your 6'9" tall andf lilke 300lbs) :evil: but regardless i got some cool shit for like 40 bucks all together flea markets kick ass so do swap[ meets


Well-Known Member
Ah,that stop snitching shirt sounds kick ass,we have a few excellent flea markets here as well,makes me wanna go soon :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
they had another with some indo and money on it all metalic green that said cream of the crop but didnt have my size

the stop snitching sahirt is black with all gold letters and looks like bullet holes in a wallbehind the letters i dig it ;)

i got another one thier one time that was camo and had tony the tiger snorting coke and it said frosted cakes theier greeeat