Texas Marijuana prosecutions have dropped 80% because of the expense and difficulty determining what is weed and what is hemp. They did not know the bucket of worms the legislature was creating when they legalized CBDCannabis seeds are legal under federal law and in Texas (and probably most states now.) The 2018 Farm Bill signed by Trump changed the CSA to exclude Cannabis with less than 0.3% THC and required the states essentially to follow suit if they wanted some federal benefit. That is why CBD is everywhere now, even in Texas.
Guides: Cannabis & the Law: CBD, CHPs, & Delta-8
Information on Texas and federal laws that regulate marijuana and hemp.guides.sll.texas.gov
You need to apply for a Hemp growing license. You can find Hemp seeds on the internetso can I grow hemp???
who can provide the seeds?
You need to apply for a Hemp growing license. You can find Hemp seeds on the internet
The manufacturing license for consumable hemp will not be available until the USDA approves Texas' hemp plan. That plan is under development by TDA. State licensing rules and requirements relating to the manufacture of consumable hemp products may only be proposed after the approval of the plan by the USDA.
THANKYOULooks like this is the Bible location
Looks like this is the Bible location