I live, I love, I Slay...I am content.


Well-Known Member
Did anybody else get a dorkgasm when they realized the new conan movie is coming out this year?:-o
not really meant to be, or is Coana on TNT? I dont watch the show so I really dont know.
Well south park made a movie form a TV show so maybe Conan can do the same.

Steve French

Well-Known Member

Just watched the first one the other day. Are they remaking it or adapting the original source material?


Well-Known Member
@ steve french. I think there going with the movie. it talks about his adventures in hyboria and his quest to avenge his fathers death. In the books he got caught during a raid again the Venir...i think thats who they were.

@ Jeebus, No watching something like Glee would be under Gaygasm. Watching Conan the Barabrian gut mother fuckers like he did in the books would be a Dorkgasm.


Well-Known Member

Don't you know the Dewey Decimal system!