I left my lights on over night during flowering...consequences?

Ive read studies done where they gave cannabis 24 hrs on with 12 hrs off and as long as the cannabis plant has the 12 hours uninteruppted darkness they did fine. So just as long as you give them that dark period you should be good to go.
I haven't mainlined but I thought I may give you an idea on weight vs size. A 3.5 x 4 ft full canopy 1 ft deep is approx. a pound. The trick is making the canopy.

Thanks man, it's just the newb in me trying to see what I can pull lol, but that's super helpful. Was almost going crazy wondering if the height cap was substantial, doing 4 indica this go so they fill out the 5x5 very well and so it's harder to fuck up the stretch, that makes it sound like a pound is easy if everything goes without a hitch.
Thanks so much for the specs I almost need numerical standards as a safety blanket lol.
I left my light on for 24 hours on day 65 of flowering og 18 what do u think I should do now ?

Whew! Are there even white hairs left to be pollinated? I've got some plants at 60 days that are ready but holding back chopping. You shouldn't have any issues IMO.
It happened to me once, I went on a 3 day trip, and while I was gone, the timer and failed. Well, this grow had been going beautifully, but a week after the timer failure, sure enough, nanners started to appear.
I’m hoping since it was just one night the girls won’t notice. I was rearranging my wiring setup and switch my timer to on instead of auto for some reason and forgot to switch back. Am I ok or is this going to mess things up somehow?

Hey bud any updates on how the grow turned out? Just wondering if you had any hermies, thanks