I know why MJ is #1 here, if only


Well-Known Member
So the state I'm visiting has marijuana as its #1 cash crop and its really easy to see why. Walking around the farm this morning I couldn't help but notice a multitude of "perfect" grow spots. 200 acres of property next to the farm cut over (timbered) and has under brush (the real mean kind, near impossible to walk through) that will stay green late into the fall and would make perfect cover for a bunch of well hidden plants. Lots of deer though. Steep little creek bottoms with south facing slopes and lots of brush.
Then there is the river gorge 15 miles of gorge with only one road crossing it, steep, hiking and rafting are the only way in, no trails though could probably find some old logging rds. I'm probably not the first to think of this spot, the local growers probably frequent the gorge. I'm thinking a little deliverance style, I shouldn't poke fun we are probably related. If only I knew I could come back in September I would have brought clones and lots of em.
My state is hot and has lots of nasty bugs and snakes to contend with, this would be much more pleasurable. Summer temps of mid 70's-low 80's evening temps in the 60's. One day I will convince the wife it is a good place to live. I'll try to take and post some pics this week.