Well-Known Member
nope, though i plan on experiencing most non-damaging drugs at least once in my life. but that doesn't change the fact that drugs do not give you a special metaphysical insight. they teach you about yourself, often through meditation (intentional or otherwise). it's over-common that folks believe their psychedelic experiences are unique and that they've found some amazing connection that nobody else can find, which is exactly what this spook is doing in the OP's linked video.
unfortunately we all have one brain in common and while a few sparks fly off in a strange direction and change the future of humanity, more often things like this are just small patterns and connections that have been exploded into something they are not. have you considered that these repeating patterns in humanity's past are to do with something else? actually you can make analogies between the history of our species and that of other species quite easily.
dmt isnt damaging actually, it is the same chemical you produce to dream at night. i suggest you try it one day if you can, im not saying you know something after but you sort of realize things for what its worth. mckenna has different arguments ive also understood with the use of hallucinogens, such as culture being as an operating system. and although history does repeat itself, im in no place to say what this means although.