I know this is an advanced forum but i cant get help anywhere else


Well-Known Member
Bad information. Do not have day temps of 75. Seems you should already know that before telling people how to "train your plants to starve"???
-What are they super models? Muahahah. Seriously tho no.
Opinion noted... You might have a few things to learn yourself. When you do, you'll realize the price of gas is too high and your stomach is rumbling for jack in the box tacos. huh? you ask? that! is a fantastic question..


Well-Known Member
It says right in the Sunlight Supply giude to max your temperatures to 75 degrees Inoors. I realise this is next to impossible if you farm indoors in a lot of parts of California. But you guys are wrong. Read up on your shit before you refute good advice

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Holy shit 3000PPM! that may be a new record.

Anyways, just to reinforce what some others have said (and correct some of the poor advice) Your night time temps are just fine. Your humidity can go up to 70% during veg with no problems. When you start running hot and CO2, it can be stressful on the plants as their is such a high vapor pressure differential. AS soon as you start developing some flowers that are pretty thick/dense, you want to get your humidity down to 40%. 50% is ok, but 40% is even better. drier conditions stave off mold and also help resin production.

Have fun and quite feeding your girls the equivalent of battery acid :) It really is true that less is more in the nute realm. Just because their is more available, doesn't mean that they will take more. Its actually the opposite.

this post is what happened to the leaf. hands down for sure.


Well-Known Member
Have fun and quite feeding your girls the equivalent of battery acid :) It really is true that less is more in the nute realm. Just because their is more available, doesn't mean that they will take more. Its actually the opposite.

Lets not play the grammar nazi game ;) on weed forums we're all gonna lose that game eventually.

Think you're dead on about your info though.


Well-Known Member
FAIL. Both on spelling and correctness of information. your citing the sunlight supply catalog grow tips? Classic dude. Just classic.
Yes I am. Whats wrong with reading guidelines? If you raise your temperature above it you get increased growth rates but your more susceptible to funguses and infestations and high heat issues like DRYING OF LEAVES.
What does sunlight supply know? pshhh stupid millionaires with their 16 years of being the no 1 supplier of indoor gardening products... Im sure you know better than silly "handbooks" and "catalogs"...
Your a disgrace to stans dad's picture..

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Yes I am. Whats wrong with reading guidelines? If you raise your temperature above it you get increased growth rates but your more susceptible to funguses and infestations and high heat issues like DRYING OF LEAVES.
What does sunlight supply know? pshhh stupid millionaires with their 16 years of being the no 1 supplier of indoor gardening products... Im sure you know better than silly "handbooks" and "catalogs"...
Your a disgrace to stans dad's picture..
sir u did good on giving your advice as u know it, however u have to understand high vapor pressure differential, co2, and shit like that. legallyflying is the president of a multimillion dollar company, and he knows his shit....


Well-Known Member
Lol. Im taking the high road, but just this once :) Increased temperatures menas increased metabolism (you can google that word) If you have the conditions to take advantage of this higher metabolism (high co2 concentrations and bright lights) then you can realize higher growth rates and higher yields. 85 is the generally accepted upper limit indoors. If you read something once and then accept it as fact to the point that you adamitly defend your viewpoint despite the advice of other, more experienced growers, you've got a long tough road ahead of you.

Limited information and a thick skull do not a good grower make. Best of luck to you.

Alex Kelly

Active Member
sir u did good on giving your advice as u know it, however u have to understand high vapor pressure differential, co2, and shit like that. legallyflying is the president of a multimillion dollar company, and he knows his shit....
Right on. Shoot for 85 a little higher i think is ok but 90ish and above is not good. I believe peak temperature levels vary from strain to strain also.

Alex Kelly

Active Member
It says right in the Sunlight Supply giude to max your temperatures to 75 degrees Inoors. I realise this is next to impossible if you farm indoors in a lot of parts of California. But you guys are wrong. Read up on your shit before you refute good advice
I was refuting poor advice as i hope you can now see. Also IMO a larger temperature change from day to night time is helpful during flowering. If not in the first few weeks definately towards the end of flowering. Although during vegatative growth shoot for a very small change in temperature.


Well-Known Member
I was refuting poor advice as i hope you can now see. Also IMO a larger temperature change from day to night time is helpful during flowering. If not in the first few weeks definately towards the end of flowering. Although during vegatative growth shoot for a very small change in temperature.
Well what are guides written if your gonna make your own guidelines anyway? ALso I know too many people with infestation problems towards the end of bloom because of high temperatures. 75 is plenty hot. If you dont think it is. Dont do it, but fuck off if your gonna call me out like that when i was quoting a book. Good luck fighting off fungus gnats and root rot, and.... your dry leaves.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Well what are guides written if your gonna make your own guidelines anyway? ALso I know too many people with infestation problems towards the end of bloom because of high temperatures. 75 is plenty hot. If you dont think it is. Dont do it, but fuck off if your gonna call me out like that when i was quoting a book. Good luck fighting off fungus gnats and root rot, and.... your dry leaves.
sir he is running co2, temps around 85 are not unheard of.


Well-Known Member
There not unheard of but its not recommended. While Co2 can battle adverse effects such as lack of light, higher temps, resistant to funguses and disease. Higher temperatures lessen your plants ability to store co2. So why would you want to waste your co2? This source is a news source not a handbook. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=higher-temperatures-lessen-plants-ability-to-store-co2. Im sick of it! why do you people criticize people who try and HELP others?! I have no gain from trying to recommend solutions to your problems. Im HELPING not Hurting anyone or even bragging.


Well-Known Member
Well what are guides written if your gonna make your own guidelines anyway? ALso I know too many people with infestation problems towards the end of bloom because of high temperatures. 75 is plenty hot. If you dont think it is. Dont do it, but fuck off if your gonna call me out like that when i was quoting a book. Good luck fighting off fungus gnats and root rot, and.... your dry leaves.
Yeah, high temps, fungus gnats, and root rot are absolutely devastating my crop....

Last week, order of magnitude larger this week.. daily high 85, daily low 78

But in the interest of proving how much of a fucking shit for brains turd that doesn't know jack shit about growing weed you are; here is a link or two that you may read. Feel free to e-mail all the authors and tell them they are completely wrong.


So I think the moral of the story is that you may want to wait until you actually hit puberty (hair starts growing in your groin area) before you actualy start giving out advice.



Well-Known Member
Fuck you legally flying. and your mom and your stupid ass avatar. you are a fuckin dick and its obvious you didnt even read my link. Eat a giant dick. and Fuck you for PMing me after you wrote this shit. Im glad your just just an avatar cus I would seriously whoop your ass you fuckin asshole. Wheres your hydroponic store muther fucker? You dont own one? Then shut the Fuck up you little flea ass bitch


Well-Known Member
LMFAO. classic forum protocol my friend.



Well-Known Member
Whoa, wtf are you guys even fighting about it's the forums go get high and relax
who gives a shit what other people say.