I know it is stupid but i have to ask


Active Member
Hi everyone. I'll try to make this post short.
When I go to a garden shop to look for soil, fertilizers, and other stuff,
mind you I am preparing to try to grow for the first time, I always get asked for what plants do you need it?
I am in a part of world where the shops do not offer a plethora of items to choose from. In other words there are very few items to choose from, so advices like you should ask for this brand or buy that are not going to help me.
My question is what legal plant is closest to marijuana in terms of choosing soil and fertilizers.
Thank you very much


Active Member
Get the marijuana growers guide. jorges Servantes It shows step by step in explicit detail. My advice is a hydo eb and flow system with a 400 High pressure sodium. Biotanicare makes a nice product. six plant = aprox 6 tomatoes every 8 weeks. As far as the nutes read the back label. the simplest is Agragrow grow for the first stage then agribloom for the bloom stage. However this is not organic. Bontanicare is bioponic derived from organic compounds. I have a T5 grow light. for the vegitave stage. aprox 6 weeks. Then they go into the bloom room for 8 weeks. Hydro = water the basis of life use the best h20 you can find. I use deionized water with a ph of 5.8 changing every 7 days.


Well-Known Member
You don't need to get that technical. Just tell them you want some good organic potting soil fo VARIOUS different plants you want to grow. Go in there like you know what you are doing. If this is your first time growing, I wouldn't go hydro, like iRay is recommending. Get one soil grow under your belt first. You'll learn a ton about growing.


Active Member
Get the marijuana growers guide. jorges Servantes It shows step by step in explicit detail. My advice is a hydo eb and flow system with a 400 High pressure sodium. Biotanicare makes a nice product. six plant = aprox 6 tomatoes every 8 weeks. As far as the nutes read the back label. the simplest is Agragrow grow for the first stage then agribloom for the bloom stage. However this is not organic. Bontanicare is bioponic derived from organic compounds. I have a T5 grow light. for the vegitave stage. aprox 6 weeks. Then they go into the bloom room for 8 weeks. Hydro = water the basis of life use the best h20 you can find. I use deionized water with a ph of 5.8 changing every 7 days.
I was afraid this was going to happen.
I have the book. I know enough to grow my own. I did not do it before but i helped some friends with theirs from start to finish.
To recap
my question was
what legal plant is closest to marijuana in regards to fertilizers and soil selection. To know this would really help in keeping a low profile when out shopping.


Well-Known Member
Tomatoes:hump: If you haven't already look for a hydro/grow store in your area. Those are the people you can be stright up honest with and get good advice for any of your questions. Everything you need from lights, soil, nutes they have it and more. These are the stores that see legal card holders all day long so act like ya have a card too and buy the good stuff.


Well-Known Member
And be sure to bring in a six pack to your local shop...This will pay for all the questions you have that day..."This one goes out to all you retail people"!


Active Member
As I mentioned before there are not that many of items to chose from round here, I would like to keep my location a secret, you guys are lucky since you have grow shops and specialized garden shops, unfortunately I don’t have that luxury. I have been to about 20-30 agriculture pharmacies and flower shops and a garden center, and this is about all there is to a city of 3,5 million, and they all had the identical 3 brands of soil ph. 5.2 ... And after I decided that that's not what I need they all asked the same question" What are you growing?" :)
It is nice that you all want to help with your advices about the brands and stuff, but that might do the job around your neighborhood but not my unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Just buy the best/most expensive soil that is offered in your area period. Its only dirt that you will be adding your own nutes to anyways.


Well-Known Member
Just buy soil. Don't buy MG time release or anything else time release. Keep in mind, it's a plant that is very resilient. It will find a way to grow in just about anything. Try to mix in some perlite or vermiculite to avoid overwatering issues and you should be just fine. When using soil I suggest that you just start in a big pot. Don't transplant 3 or 4 times. I never understood why people do that.

Good luck, they are tomoatoes.


Well-Known Member
Check out Seedsetc.com, The guys name is Robert, he offers free shipping and some of the best prices I have seen. The real kicker is the free shipping, and the guy is pretty helpful. Just remember to always refer to your garden as tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes, I like to through in a couple strain names while I chat with a supplier! GL


Active Member
Organic vegetable garden with tomatoes, herbs, beans, corn etc., neutral ph and will drain well should be your initial parameters. Any organic fertilizer will do as long as it won't affect the ph of the soil. Remember to flush with water for the final week of the grow.