I know im going to fck this up!


Well-Known Member
Ok I have read everything on faqs about cloning, looked at all the videos and I still know im going to screw this clone up. Thing is I only have one chance, because white widow just starting budding, and I dont want to stress the plant to much, so im going to do only one.

WHAT I DONT UNDERSTAND: How are you suppose to cut the branch under water???? this is actually been making me really angry everytime I hear this. Do you mean I cut the branch off the plant, then I make another cut 45 degrees under water? because if thats the case why dosnt any of grow videos say this or anyone else? Everyone just says cut underwater...


Well-Known Member
also... iv heard bad things about using peat pellets, but I already have some, and cant find rockwool around here. How bad are peat pellets, and anythign I can do to make them not suck so bad? I already read mogies post about them.


Well-Known Member
I like peats...just not the ones burpee promotes. Thay have too large of fibers and make rooting a bitch


Well-Known Member
Alright guys its go time, got the closet all preped for the clone, here I go, all or nothin. Wish me luck please, whatever religion you are, pray for me. Because If I get this clone I have 4 people set up that I will supply with a clone, and I will recieve 1/2 harvest from each person. So this is pretty big for me.. here I go:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I hope this isn't too late but if you can't get the rockwool 50/50 vermiculite/perlite gave me results when everything else failed, it's one of the oldest mediums for cloning and hard to fuck up... if your using peat pellets make sure they aren't waterlogged!


Well-Known Member
shit shit shit shit... I had both of those... damnit o well I got the clone, actually I sniped a branch off and noticed that I could make 3 off of it, so I made 3... awww shit, that means they werent directly off the main stem... damnnnn like I said I knew i would fk up... :cry: just in case I get lucky what do you mean by waterlogged? im scared now, im going to go squeeze water out of them. Also how much should I water, I sprayed them all pretty good, and have bowl of water in there, plus really humid in there, I dont have humidity scale or anything, but just going in there and my face is wet. But should I go in there and squeeze the water out of the peat pellets, just to make sure they arent water logged? I mean they werent dripping when I put the branches in, and I after I soaked them, I let them sit for 5 minutes. plus 2 of them are on a white towel, to make sure they dont get overwatered, one of them is in a... I cup a syrophone cup, so its like 2 inches tall, then poked drainage holes, its all white, plus bottom, I figured it would help it. Please if I am doing something wrong and you read this, help me out. O and another thing, I have a heating pad under the towel that they are on, I have it on high, should I set it lower? and how long should I keep heat on for?

And yes these kids are all my close friends, I know they will give me half of harvest.



Well-Known Member
Ok, 2 of the clones, which were really short, and stems not so thick, the leaves are droopy, curling up, and yellow. The taller one, with thicker stem is still standing perfecting strait, and no looks the same, leaves turning a bit yellow. I know they are suppose to turn yellow, but the two smaller ones dont look so good, I think I may have overwatered them, I never really watered them though, just spray them every now and then. The tall one is in a humidity dome. All three are on heating pad : )

lets me know what you think

Pics up as soon as I find where I put my camera.


Well-Known Member
form the little i know about cloing, for some reason i remember a good way to clone was to actually put the clipping in a jar filled with water? I heard they begin to root this way and then you just plant it when you see roots.... a rooting hormone wouldnt do you any damage either man (its only like 5 bucks)


Well-Known Member
give 'em time. I used to use domes but then I started using peats and an aquarium with a layer of soil on bottom to help absorb heat from a heating mat underneathe the aquarium. Also light, not too much but enough to promote some action w/ them roots, usually just a cfl or two in work spots.
But it sounds good. Cloning is a learning curve find what your comfortable with and then tweek it out.


Well-Known Member
I really need this question answered fast as I have 3 clones, 2 of which are bout to die. Do you need to have a hole in the top of humidity dome?? I have 2 liter bottom on it, but no cap. I thought you suppose to have a hole so it could breathe. However I saw on one guys posts pictures of his, and he had no holes. just 2 cups one rightside up, and hte other upside down on the other one, so it made a little dome. I need this answered, and home inmportant is a humidity dome? 2 of mine are not in one, should I make them one, and should I have hole at top, or cap the 2liter??? Also how much should I water them, I just put pellets that they are in, in some a bowl of water for couple seconds, then took them out. I lost camera so I cant get freakin pics up. Might ask friend for his tomorow, and get pics up. Lives of these 3 clones depends on some quality help :confused::(


Well-Known Member
Pictures of the clones, with and without humidity domes on them. This is first time cloning, and they arent lookin that great, so if im doing something wrong, please help me out. I mist them every now and them, they are under a 60watt lamp, with a reflective top on it. 24 hours light. almost 2 days now.

those are the small ones I took.

small ones with small humity domes, on roof getting some sunlight for a couple hours : )

Bigger one, has 2 branches coming off of it, was only one possible to clip off branch, becuase mother started budding.

with humidity dome.

They are on a heating pad. I am thinking about putting them on roof during the day when I can, and then under light at night. This a good or bad idea? thanks guys