I killed a rat today.


Well-Known Member
I feel terrible. I woke up in the middle of the night acouple days ago and heard something scurrying in the wall. So I bought a glue trap and when I checked it this morning there was a rat stuck in it. I didn't really know what to do with it. I was afraid I'd get the bubonic plague or something. The only thing I could think to do was grab my crutch and beat him to death with the shoulder end. But here's the fucked up part...He had made it back to his point of entrance but couldn't fit through the hole cuz the trap was so big, so when I beat him I'm freaking out thinking his family was on the other side of the hole and just had to stand there and watch as I beat their patriarch to death. I don't know I feel shitty, what was I to do? I think if I some how corralled him without getting bitten and set him free, that he would just come back or another would take its place. Atleast thats what I reasoned myself with after the murder. I'm so high.


Well-Known Member
hope ya got a couple pigs as well.....

*after further consideration, that was wrong, and in bad taste...... Still, it brought a smile to my face....


Well-Known Member
Haha I would have curbstomped that little bitch or got my big ass cat Cider to come eat his face off.


Well-Known Member
And no pictures? If you have one there is more, This could be a great thread if you do some videos and post pictures of the hunt lol


Well-Known Member
I would place him under a 4 way electric cooker ,
slowly turn on each ring ,
he will move and sit under the 1's that are not turned on,
when all 4 are hot he has no way to go but up through the rings,
The results are splendid :)


Well-Known Member
I would place him under a 4 way electric cooker ,
slowly turn on each ring ,
he will move and sit under the 1's that are not turned on,
when all 4 are hot he has no way to go but up through the rings,
The results are splendid :)
Haha that's hilarious. Although I've heard that most rodents taste very bad.


Well-Known Member
Haha that's hilarious. Although I've heard that most rodents taste very bad.
Tell that to the guy starving that would love to eat em. Many people eat anything that moves. some raise puppies just to kill and eat them. Hell even some sick fucks will eat a human


Well-Known Member
The have those little varment traps that close on them and traps them then you can either release it or pour lighter fluid on it like we did when we were young(no recommended). Small rodent traps.rat-trap-1.jpg

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member

Set aside your moral/philosophical grievances, that bastard destroyed one of your material possessions!! x)



Well-Known Member
The have those little varment traps that close on them and traps them then you can either release it or pour lighter fluid on it like we did when we were young(no recommended). Small rodent traps.View attachment 1942456
rats get their heads stuck in the grids, i had to mercy kill one when it got stuck, i have a dope picture :) let me find it