I just got a killer idea

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I just got a killer idea but it might not work. Just my mind wondering so dont criticize to much.

Alright so here goes, i was thinking since it take alot of power to run a grow room that it might be possible to minimize your electric bill by running some car stereo amplifiers.

Is this possible?

If not what about other products that are similar, i only know of amplifers for cars but what about regular amplifers i guess?


Junior Creatologist
I would think that hypathetically, amps might work, but if you wanna just flat out find another source of electricity, get a generator. or a - fuck i cant remember the god damn name of it - a capacitator?! i dont know, lemme look it up real quick...

here, there are a couple of options that you have, but a generator is the most plauseable. If you use a transfer switch, you wouldnt have to worry about the cops at least, because you would be using two different electric companies for power(i think thats how it works anyways)
Cummins Power Generation Products - United States and Canada
good luck with this one, lol!


Junior Creatologist
lol, im a stoner, not an electrician. Closest ive ever come to somethin like that is hookin up my trunk with some noise :bigjoint:

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
yea thats what my plans were to put some subs in my car. 10 minutes after i started i said fuck this and went to circuitcity they did it for 65 bucks


Well-Known Member
the best thing to do is change all the light bulbs in your house to cfls and also plug all your electronics into power strips and when your not using the thing switch the thing off.
toasters, dvrs, computers, stereos, tvs all draw alot of power when they arent even turned on. so unplug them or use a power strip and use the switch. if you went around your and did that i bet you could save about enough power to run a few hids

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
When I was in College, in my electonics class. My teacher taught us some ways to decrease the amount of elect used in a house, and even one trick he taught us how to fool the meter into thinking you are useing less elect by boosting the wavelength of the elct in verses the elect out to closer to the original. This was way deep, you had to figure every item in the house hold, and the do math for hours.

But for lights, fans and heaters, it is much easier. The easiest one is the Light bulb, You can cut this in half real fast.. AND NO>> I AM NOT TALKING MH OR HPS.

Ok, got to consitrate.. Been years. And to many hits, and swigs. (tips Glass, ,,, strikes bowl and thinks, hmmmm A/C current on the scope has two wave lengths, One above the line and one below. I am speaking so everyone might understand here....

So anyway, on the scope, you have a middle line going horizontal. When you stick 120 volt house hold power threw this scope it will show a wave, above, then below, then above then below repeating over and over. Here is where I am rusty, You have to place a DIODE inline, and then a capacitor in cerios. The capacitor will gather energy on the energy cycly and store it, Which the meter does not read because it changes the wave length by zero. But when the A/C goes to reverse itself, the DIODE stops the flow. Here is where you save 50%... When the Diode stops the flow of elect,, the capaciter releases its strored energy. Walla, 50% power cost saveings. I know this to be true, I was in a science lab with all the electronic boards and tools needed to prove it.

So maybe I can not get some of you to believe this. But I have seen it proven.

Also cieling fans, elect stove and base board heaters can be worked with science. Some to accually save power, some others to legally,, well, just legally....

But I would never use any of this information on a grow OP.. No WAY!!!! Why give them an excuse to invade?