I just can't

Yes, pigeons were a great asset, and could return cryptic messages back home. The problem is, they intercept them, and sprinkle them with smart nano camera dust particles, so they can spy on the recipients, and change the messages too.

Yes, pigeons were a great asset, and could return cryptic messages back home. The problem is, they intercept them, and sprinkle them with smart nano camera dust particles, so they can spy on the recipients, and change the messages too.

That would show up on the raydar, and be lasered down in a heartbeat.

Balloons with super low tech gear is the only way to make it. A proper faraday cage that could cloak the ship would weigh too much.

Every time you see a bright streak in the sky, is when they fire off a directed energy weapon ,and bounce it off THE dome to hit targets far away. What you see coming down as a flash is debris.

They can't hit the same spot twice, and there are only so many "black holes" left in the domiverse left, and they fight over who gets to use them.
How did you get this information? If I were them I'd take you out just for knowing it, much less spreading it to others...
But where is that energy coming from?
Sonic vibrations, creating sonoluminescent bubbles that cavitate in the waters above, which are created by friction from The Sphere we are spinning in, which makes up half of THE dome that is referred too. There is still friction, even though it is well oiled, just like any engine.

The damage from different types of high energy weapons leaves different impact marks, which create diffrent cymatic patterns we observe.

The reason they tell us there are new kinds of planets, or stars, or anything observable to us in what they call the universe, is because they are constantly testing new kinds out, and have been since ancient times, when tech was 1000's of times more advanced.
The pyramids, with all the surrounding underground ruins that are hidden from us were high energy weapons at one time, ages before the egyptians moved in.

When they say they point towards constellations, its no joke.

There are pyramids all over earth, most of them submerged, or covered up.

On a grand scale. Like giant computer circuits, motherboards. Just look at some of the ruins we're allowed to see. At one time they were covered in precious metal circuitry, before it was smelted down to create the moon base.