I just can't

No one blocked him from their profiles.. he was bitching because he couldnt see peoples profiles because they were blocked to the public .. so he started a thread crying about it.. my profile is blocked to the public.. only people that can see it are the ones i let..
His bitch was these people ( myself included) are pussies that are just hiding their old posts that might make the look dumb or sound down... if the guy had a brain he would of known that he can see every post someone makes by using the search bar or by selecting the messages counter on anyones avatar..
I know.

“that weirdo thats butt hurt people put a block on their profile”
That weirdo that’s butt hurt people put a block on their profile and basically publicly asked to hack everyone’s account. Prolly the same troll here
I know the rocket hasn't launched yet, but can you guys just go ahead and start explaining now why the video's we'll be getting sometime after weeks of rendering look fake af, cgi bullshit.
The vids will only look fake to flat-earthers. :lol:

Explain why there is no camera hooked up the the artemis, that stays locked onto earth the entire time, so they can make a timelapse video of the entire missions POV towards earth..?
It's simple logic. NASA has better things to do than trying to prove reality to flat earthers. ;-)

Any more dumb, disingenuous questions?
I'm not gonna come out and say I'm 1000% sure the moon landing was real, but I do wonder, if it was a hoax, why that fact hasn't gained more traction over the years... Assuming it was faked:

- Has any other country attempted to fake a moon landing, either before or since the US did it?
- Has any other country's government expressed doubt or skepticism that it happened?
- Has anyone credible claimed that they or someone they know were actually involved in the process of faking it?

If not, why not?
If we faked a moon landing. Wouldn Russia find that shit out. It’s been 5-6 decades. No one can prove shit. Then they did a documentary attempting to fake the landing. It cost more to fake it. Then to actually send someone up.

and please explain. What is there to gain here. We went to the moon. That’s it. No cancer curing agent orwas found. Just went to the moon for science. What the fuck would we gain for going. Or not going. It makes no difference. You conspiracy believing people make my brain hurt with your paranoia.
The type to look thru the blinds after a bowl of sativa. Annoying. Sit down and watch tv. Go to work. Focus on life like everyone else and enjoy it. Like everyone else. Or don’t. But your circle of friends is going to suck when your 80.
Peace and bowls man. Relax
Sorry but I couldn't get past the first few minutes of the first video. Do they ever mention the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine in there? That's the main reason why there is currently an "energy shortage" in Europe - they stopped importing Russian gas because Russia is currently attacking one of their allies. No one is going back to the Dark Ages and there is no actual "energy shortage," European governments are just not giving money to Russia. It's a political move that has real-world implications for the citizens of Germany, Poland, etc.