I just can't

I wouldn't say the bowling ball/feather thing is intended to "prove gravity," nor that it has anything to do with buoyancy, but rather that it demonstrates the effect of air resistance. When an object falls, it hits air molecules on its way down, causing friction which slows its descent, to varying degrees depending on the object's mass and surface area. The feather falls slowly because it has a large surface area and small mass, so all those air molecules that it hits have a pretty significant effect.

When you remove the air molecules from the chamber, the only thing acting on the falling objects is gravity (or whatever you want to call the force that pulls them "down") so they both fall at the same rate. That's all, nothing to really prove or disprove gravity or anything other than air resistance.

No offense, but imo that guy doesn't really seem to have a solid grasp of physics...he over-simplifies or misinterprets a lot of concepts, and then his conclusion is that scientists have been wrong about them all along, or worse, deliberately deceiving us.

If you're looking for something that comes closer to "proving" gravity, there's an interesting experiment that you may know of by Henry Cavendish - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavendish_experiment - which demonstrates the gravitational attraction between two masses, independent of earth's gravity. It's a pretty ingenious setup, you should check it out if you haven't already...

So gravity pulls everything at the same rate, regardless of size or density, but only when oxygen molecules aren't in the way?
^ If you think that's real, and not NASAshopped trickery, I just can't either...

Why is it that the so called james webb "space" telescope cannot simply turn around, point towards the "globe", focus the lenses, and take the most detailed picture (not pictures) of the whole earth in one shot ever. To prove that it's round once and for all. Seriously.. they can look at all the other planets, and galaxies far far away, but not the earth?
Why do you say they can't?
So gravity pulls everything at the same rate, regardless of size or density, but only when oxygen molecules aren't in the way?
If you drop an object in a vacuum, it will accelerate towards the center of the earth at 9.8 m/s^2.

If the object is moving through a gas or liquid, its acceleration will be slowed down or stopped completely because of friction between the object and the molecules making up that gas or liquid.

If the object is also less dense than the gas or liquid, at some point (possibly right after you let it go) it will slow to a stop (or not start to fall at all), and start to rise. In a vacuum though, every object falls, because every object is denser than a vacuum.
As in, you evacuate a small chamber the size of a grape and stick it into a chamber the size of a baseball, seal the baseball chamber and stick it into a basketball, and so on, and so forth.

Until you are in a chamber the size of a house.

I suppose you could use metal, so you could hold them all up at the same time with a large electro magnet, and then flip a switch and let them drop.

Would they all fall at the same speed, or would there be a chain reaction, where one chamber hits the bottom of the chamber it is in first?
As in, you evacuate a small chamber the size of a grape and stick it into a chamber the size of a baseball, seal the baseball chamber and stick it into a basketball, and so on, and so forth.

Until you are in a chamber the size of a house.

I suppose you could use metal, so you could hold them all up at the same time with a large electro magnet, and then flip a switch and let them drop.

Would they all fall at the same speed, or would there be a chain reaction, where one chamber hits the bottom of the chamber it is in first?
It doesn't matter how many chambers you want to put into each other. They will all be equal. You can't remove more air when the air has already been removed, if that makes any sense. I'm high, :bigjoint:
As in, you evacuate a small chamber the size of a grape and stick it into a chamber the size of a baseball, seal the baseball chamber and stick it into a basketball, and so on, and so forth.

Until you are in a chamber the size of a house.

I suppose you could use metal, so you could hold them all up at the same time with a large electro magnet, and then flip a switch and let them drop.

Would they all fall at the same speed, or would there be a chain reaction, where one chamber hits the bottom of the chamber it is in first?
Same speed. Is this a joke?
1660698381831.png Like this. Held up by a magnet, until you flip the switch. Say the circular chambers were scaled perfectly. 50% bigger than the one inside. Would each circular one hit the bottom of the next bigger one surrounding it at the same time? Or would there be a delayed reaction of some kind?
View attachment 5182252 Like this. Held up by a magnet, until you flip the switch. Say the circular chambers were scaled perfectly. 50% bigger than the one inside. Would each circular one hit the bottom of the next bigger one surrounding it at the same time? Or would there be a delayed reaction of some kind?
I know what you're describing. If there's no air, why wouldn't they all fall at the same speed/formation?
I’m not sure what to think about this clip. I mean if I woke up tomorrow and found out the earth was actually flat I would “care” about that? Wouldn’t you “care” if Elon invited you up and you found out it’s actually round?
Yeah. If I went up and saw it flat. I’d be pretty fuckin pissed lmao