i just bought seeds from a seed bank and ....

im wondering are these seeds harder to grow ill be growing them in my aerogarden how long till harvest they are femenized does that mean auto flowering as well ? and whats the difference from ones out of a bag except they are not femenized


seed banks sell Feminized seeds and Femenized Auto-flowering seeds. Feminized seeds arn't auto flowering unless it says it is. I think you were asking if seeds bought from online seed banks are harder to grow then bagseed? Well it all depends on the strain, just because you buy seeds from online doesn't mean it's gonna be harder to grow then bagseed.
and i bought seeds from amsterdamn i bought some grapefruit something and some bubblegummer i have on soiled female clone thats doing well i hope these seeds are not a rip off i paid 20 for 2


i don't know too much about aeroponics or hydroponics but
I know we have a section dedicated to it though. as for the seeds... 2 for $20 sounds pricey but mabey you bought a high quality strain.


you also asked about harvest. well that all depends on how long you decide to veg your plant for. the typical flowering cycle can last 8 to 9 weeks, somtimes more.