I Just Bought Mephedrone


Well-Known Member
it aint rocket science is it to ava look n research what you claim to no??? read up about em i fink your find they have all been around alot longer than you,me or the fucking internet numpty


Well-Known Member
lmao legal highs ketamine,coke,mdma yeah ok m8 lmao
You're an idiot.. He's completely correct, and just because an internet didn't exist, didn't mean there wasn't a designer chemical market! Hell, this shit has been going on since they banned Heroin in the 20's and they came out with Acetylpropionylmorphine.

Please research your shit before you make ridiculous claims and come off as someone not very knowledgable. Ketamine wasn't a designer drug? http://www.a1b2c3.com/drugs/ket03.htm
The original name for Ketamine was 'CI581'. Its synthesis came from a need to find an anesthetic to replace PCP.
It's fun to learn, right?!


Well-Known Member
i aint gonna argue with kids n there legal highs yeah ketamine,coke,mdma are designer drugs they werent made or used for ne other reasons than the designer drug market, im a fool an idiot who dusnt no nowt, have fun.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
it aint rocket science is it to ava look n research what you claim to no??? read up about em i fink your find they have all been around alot longer than you,me or the fucking internet numpty
Do you really want to argue? Okay, well at least do it proper. Since these substance have been around longer than I have, exactly how old am I? I have done more research into drugs than you will ever do research in your life.

lmao legal highs ketamine,coke,mdma yeah ok m8 lmao
At one time many of those substances were *drumroll* legal highs. MDMA is a designer drug, and I am pretty sure Ketamine was a designer drug off of the structure of PCP.


In the U.S., MDMA was legal and unregulated until May 31, 1985
Do you know what that means? That means until 1985, MDMA was a LEGAL HIGH. It was a designer drug, a research chemical. Everything is a legal high until it is made illegal. Funny enough, a well known synthesis for MDMA comes from one of the most notable chemists for RESEARCH CHEMICALS.. Alexander Shulgin:

(Pihkal) #109 MDMA


Ketamine was developed in 1962 by Parke-Davis.

The increase in illicit use prompted ketamine's placement in Schedule III of the United States Controlled Substance Act in August 1999
Again, do you know what this means? It means until 1999 ketamine was unscheduled.. a.k.a. a LEGAL HIGH. And what is ketamine again? Ah yes, a designer drug.


Cocaine was not considered a controlled substance until 1970, when the United States listed it as such in the Controlled Substances Act. Until that point, the use of cocaine was open and rarely prosecuted in the US due to the moral and physical debates commonly discussed.
Finally, that means until 1970, cocaine was legal to use. Cocaine on the other hand, is not a research chemical nor a designer drug.


i aint gonna argue with kids n there legal highs yeah ketamine,coke,mdma are designer drugs they werent made or used for ne other reasons than the designer drug market, im a fool an idiot who dusnt no nowt, have fun.
Cocaine is not a designer drug. MDMA is a designer drug, and formerly a research chemical. Ketamine was originally used as a veterinary anaesthetic, and was a designer drug. Tell me, since you know everything, why were MDMA and Cocaine produced originally?


Well-Known Member
now do we wana argue about the definition of a legal high??? i can copy n paste from google too night night.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
now do we wana argue about the definition of a legal high??? i can copy n paste from google too night night.
It's funny that you made a thread about people's post count not lining up with their intelligence.. because if what people knew was in accord with their post count, you would have only posted once or twice here.


Well-Known Member
Do you ever notice how people who are obviously not very humble act like they are the source of all information, even though they know nothing about what they're talking about? But that doesn't matter to them, if you call them out they'll just spew meaningless insults.. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO ACT LIKE YOURE OMNIPOTENT!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I read this morning about 2 teens in the UK that died from drone... any feelings on that?


Well-Known Member
I read this morning about 2 teens in the UK that died from drone... any feelings on that?
My thoughts are in complete disarray!

This stuff has the potential to be a very harmful product... but at the same time can provide a euphoria like no other! Exercise wise judgement... oh in other flagrant terms, "don't always judge a book by its cover!"


Well-Known Member
I suspect there was adulteration, or a dosage error or something... it is strange that both ended as fatalities. One would expect it to hit one of the two if it was due to health interaction.
I still am not a fan of RC's unless you are in a position to manufacture them yourself. I just don't trust people that much.


Well-Known Member
I say if you're responsible and know you limits and CAN control yourself, the harm you are doing is minimal.


Well-Known Member
I don't realy know that much about mephedrone.. shit I know nothing about it... so how long has it been used? Long term effects?


Well-Known Member
mephedrone is fucking awful stuff everyone round my way is taking it,not even weighing out doses sniffing grams a night ive even stopped people taking it in my house and normally anything goes here.


Well-Known Member
I suspect there was adulteration, or a dosage error or something... it is strange that both ended as fatalities. One would expect it to hit one of the two if it was due to health interaction.
I still am not a fan of RC's unless you are in a position to manufacture them yourself. I just don't trust people that much.
What a good point!

How both fail victim to death... usually, one victim would end up dead and the other hold still in the death bed...

It is a game trusting vendors who willingly submit their products... but it is more of a game when a person messes around with such a strong and unknown product without doing testing of their own accord. Preventative measures is what its all about!