I-Inhale Cleaning


Active Member
K so i use my I-Inhale everyday and have found it amazing. i haven't had any problems except taking the screen and that little screen holder thing out. it seems every time i try it just breaks. im not talking about the mouthpiece, just the screen and the round little metal paice which holds it.
if any one could tell me what im doing wrong, or if this is happening to them. that would be dope.


Well-Known Member
My buddy doesnt take his apart - he just runs rubbing alcohol through the screen / mouthpiece and everything just disolves and then he lets the alcohol evaporate.


Well-Known Member
oh really, cant you taste the alcohol once you use it?
He puts his finger on the mouth side pours in some alcohol, plugs the herb side with his thumb shakes it - pours it out - blows any excess out and lets it evaporate. Once it all evaporates you can't smell / taste it.