I didn't read what he said but if I had to guess I imagine it's along the lines of white people get everything easier etc.? If so I am so tired about black people (or anyone of another race for that matter) complaining about how everything is harder because they are a certain race, when in fact it has absolutely nothing to do with race. If you are poorer/look sketchy to a police officer and of ANY race (white/black/mexican) they are going to profile you. Saying you want to be white is redundant when todays society is made out to make it easier for minorities than whites. Its harder to get into college if you're white, get a ton of jobs, etc. I hate hearing people complain about how its so much harder. In certain circumstances there is some shit that you have to go through with your race, no matter what it is. If that had no relevance to what steph was saying it is still how I feel about the matter.