I helped birth life!


Hello everyone!

New here for the past couple weeks but I must first say that this is without a doubt the BEST place to gather resources on growing, smoking, cutting, trimming, feeding, loving, dancing (o.k. no "dancing", well maybe if the bud is good enough).

That aside...

These are my 3x 2010 outdoor bag-seedlings. This is my first grow, and I decided to go outdoor because I sprouted some seeds for fun just to see what it was like, and before I know it they are this big (About 3 weeks old, seedlings).

When the sprouts were planted the root was about .5 in long, which I have read most people agree is the best length to plant at.

Making the proper beds for these, I planted root down, with the shell just above the soil.

Now this is where I'll go into detail about my soil, as well as my mistakes (I'm not afraid to admit I had no idea what I'm doing, but "live and learn" is my favorite motto).

I began the seedlings in some topsoil I personally dug from a local field where horses shit everywhere.

I thought this would be good because of all the horse shit, but was wrong. The soil was the wrong consistency, too clay-like. Compacted, didn't drain well, etc.

After realizing this, and seeing my poor girls suffer, I had to make a decision. Either I let them die (fuck that) or I emergency transplant them a bit early into proper medium.

I chose the latter.

The following pics are 1 week after that transplant, making them 3 weeks old.

2/3 of them seemed shocked from this (expected this) and I was starting to think they were root-bound, which they still may be, due to continued development in that initial soil.

The other, my baby girl, is getting fatter every day, and I think she is completely out of shock finally and starting to reach the better soil.

I'm only watering these guys about every 3 days, they are sitting in 14 hours of direct field sunlight hidden on the south side of my barn which just so happen to be white and is reflecting light perfectly. The weather conditions have been fair (no rain yet) excluding a couple of chilly nights (no frost, they didn't seem to mind).

Once again, this site is amazing, so much information here!

For future reference, thanks for all input. I will be posting pics to this thread weekly whether they live or die.

The best part of this whole experience, is I don't expect to succeed.

Wait...that sounds crazy right? Nope. I realize this is my first grow, I started wrong, and they may very well fail to yield, or even grow past veggie.

Thanks everyone for sharing this wonderful experience with me, I have been smoking different kinds of marijuana for recreational use for the better part of a year now (the only medical benefit I can say I receive is it lowers my anxiety, and helps some mild back pain, but I realize there are people out there who literally need this drug to have any quality of life).

I feel like I know the basics of Marijuana very well, but I'm always eager to learn more about this fascinating piece of nature.

Sorry to ramble!

Keep growing everyone! :bigjoint:



Hello everyone!

New here for the past couple weeks but I must first say that this is without a doubt the BEST place to gather resources on growing, smoking, cutting, trimming, feeding, loving, dancing (o.k. no "dancing", well maybe if the bud is good enough).

That aside...

These are my 3x 2010 outdoor bag-seedlings. This is my first grow, and I decided to go outdoor because I sprouted some seeds for fun just to see what it was like, and before I know it they are this big (About 3 weeks old, seedlings).

When the sprouts were planted the root was about .5 in long, which I have read most people agree is the best length to plant at.

Making the proper beds for these, I planted root down, with the shell just above the soil.

Now this is where I'll go into detail about my soil, as well as my mistakes (I'm not afraid to admit I had no idea what I'm doing, but "live and learn" is my favorite motto).

I began the seedlings in some topsoil I personally dug from a local field where horses shit everywhere.

I thought this would be good because of all the horse shit, but was wrong. The soil was the wrong consistency, too clay-like. Compacted, didn't drain well, etc.

After realizing this, and seeing my poor girls suffer, I had to make a decision. Either I let them die (fuck that) or I emergency transplant them a bit early into proper medium.

I chose the latter.

The following pics are 1 week after that transplant, making them 3 weeks old.

2/3 of them seemed shocked from this (expected this) and I was starting to think they were root-bound, which they still may be, due to continued development in that initial soil.

The other, my baby girl, is getting fatter every day, and I think she is completely out of shock finally and starting to reach the better soil.

I'm only watering these guys about every 3 days, they are sitting in 14 hours of direct field sunlight hidden on the south side of my barn which just so happen to be white and is reflecting light perfectly. The weather conditions have been fair (no rain yet) excluding a couple of chilly nights (no frost, they didn't seem to mind).

Once again, this site is amazing, so much information here!

For future reference, thanks for all input. I will be posting pics to this thread weekly whether they live or die.

The best part of this whole experience, is I don't expect to succeed.

Wait...that sounds crazy right? Nope. I realize this is my first grow, I started wrong, and they may very well fail to yield, or even grow past veggie.

Thanks everyone for sharing this wonderful experience with me, I have been smoking different kinds of marijuana for recreational use for the better part of a year now (the only medical benefit I can say I receive is it lowers my anxiety, and helps some mild back pain, but I realize there are people out there who literally need this drug to have any quality of life).

I feel like I know the basics of Marijuana very well, but I'm always eager to learn more about this fascinating piece of nature.

Sorry to ramble!

Keep growing everyone! :bigjoint:
Here's an update of one of the weaker ones...


ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
looking good m8 you may wanna shield them a bit if there out doors but they look really good an iv gotta say i love the honesty an + rep for that keep it going an you should have some nice bud to smoke in a few months


Well-Known Member
I heard horse shit is only good for the growth of beneficial bacteria and not as a fertilizer. If your going to re-transplanting these bad boys into the ground use some Advance Nutrients Heavy Harvest in those bitches.


Well-Known Member
Your seedlings are looking good considering their start
The stems on them looks a little too thin, perhaps you should create a sort of breeze tunnel in the area where they are by either parking a larger vehicle or some sort of object on the other side of plants, opposite the white barn wall
This way, they are also slightly more protected as well as having some wind to dance in (yes, dancing is important) which will strengthen the entire plant throughout the growth process
From what I've read, this can really help your plants develop healthily


money saver - great tip, i haven't decided if i will transplant them into the ground before they hit veggie growth. I know that if my fat girl stays on track ill possibly upgrade her home to a 5 gal (Camo of course) and place her in a spot i've scoped out.
weedoozie - thank you for the kind words, I should have mentioned to you that i stress trained them in direct sunlight and wind (i placed them on my roof actually, the top of the fireplace). while I agree the stems appear thin, they are very sturdy for their size, but i definately will take that into consideration, especially if they begin to fall over.

Oh, and +rep to both of you!


quick question guys, if i switch from an outdoor operation to indoor at this point in the game (just never-mind the reason) with sufficient lighting, but different air flow and temperature (obviously not a huge change, but enough).

im assuming they will pretty much say "fuck you" and lay down

but oh well, its either that, or *wack wack* :(


Active Member
quick question guys, if i switch from an outdoor operation to indoor at this point in the game (just never-mind the reason) with sufficient lighting, but different air flow and temperature (obviously not a huge change, but enough).

im assuming they will pretty much say "fuck you" and lay down

but oh well, its either that, or *wack wack* :(
my buddy had 3 plants (sativas) starting the flowering phaze and he had to put them outside because his mommy didnt like all the light on in the house, well....needless to say the lighting outside was longer than the 12/12 schedule he had them on for flowering and they started to fuck up, HOWEVER i think if you bring them from outside to inside you would be ok because you can actually lengthen the time of light at will. which for what your doing (veg) is good anyway. With the only factor being that your grow lights are on at the same time as sunrise started. I utilize a 18 on and 6 off schedule for mine. so if sunrise is at 7am your lights go on at 7am....then turn them off 18hrs later or whatever vegging schedule you decide to adopt.


Active Member
my buddy had 3 plants (sativas) starting the flowering phaze and he had to put them outside because his mommy didnt like all the light on in the house, well....needless to say the lighting outside was longer than the 12/12 schedule he had them on for flowering and they started to fuck up, HOWEVER i think if you bring them from outside to inside you would be ok because you can actually lengthen the time of light at will. which for what your doing (veg) is good anyway. With the only factor being that your grow lights are on at the same time as sunrise started. I utilize a 18 on and 6 off schedule for mine. so if sunrise is at 7am your lights go on at 7am....then turn them off 18hrs later or whatever vegging schedule you decide to adopt.
btw...those plants he put outside that were fuckin up he brought to me for help....i immediatly put them back on the 12/12 flower schedule and there back to doing great, i was lucky it didnt stress them out too much.