I haven't LIT UP in 7 days.....Should I light up now, or wait til day 10?

again pics or it didnt happen lol


this is when i grinded some trainwreck for hash oil.. love my grinder
You have an audience? :P

Colorado State University said:
An audience is a group of readers who reads a particular piece of writing. As a writer, you should anticipate the needs or expectations of your audience in order to convey information or argue for a particular claim. Your audience might be your instructor, classmates, the president of an organization, the staff of a management company, or any other number of possibilities. You need to know your audience before you start writing.

You obviously read my response, in order to reply to it ;).

Oops. Sorry I'm literate. ;)
Hell yeah got baked as fuck... Still am.

It's great, pretty much where I wanted to be. Medicating is much more reasonable now.
Toke 'til your heart's content, Sir.

Maybe take breaks more frequently and they can be shorter? I took a month's break and It nearly killed me. X3
Man I need a break too.. Seriously might do a little 7 day break myself
What do you guys think?

I've been on a tolerance break, my tolerance was at like 11 on a scale of 1-10. :lol: My original plan was 7-10 days. I'm within that range now :wink:.
I maybe smoked 2 bowls, and a few joints on September 17 (last saturday).... So I woke up on the 18th, and haven't had any medication since. My goal is to make the medication POWERFUL, and long lasting again. I needed to give my Cannabinoid receptors a break. :)

So, in 3 hours I will be 8 days sober.

My work is done for the week. It's time to relax, many potentially great movies have been downloaded. & I've got more herb than I could smoke in a year.

Should I go for a full 10 days sober, or light up now? :eyesmoke:

I will LISTEN to Rollitup! You guys have never guided me wrong before ;-):dunce:.

How I feel:
this is tempting me to give my Cannabinoid receptors a break too, and and when Im back Im on holidays!! :D :blsmoke:
Mondays and Work :neutral:
my grandma takes insulin shots twice a day for her type 2 diabetes...should i tell her a dude on this pot forum said she should stop?

I don't doubt your grandma does. Living back before sensitizing biguanides must have sucked, she destroyed her veins and pancreas taking Porcine insulin analogs and now her pancreas no longer functions either. :)

Even type two diabetics have to take insulin after their body becomes immune to the medicine, but there's a far worse eventuality for the elderly members of our society who took animal derived insulin before the advent of said medications.
Tolerence.. lol. Come on MAN UP and take a real toke and push yourself. If not see ya in Aisle 8 for Maxipads.

:lol: smoke... nahhh.... don't need that much....... a dab and a few volcano bags though? Fuck yeah :D

this is tempting me to give my Cannabinoid receptors a break too, and and when Im back Im on holidays!! :D :blsmoke:
Mondays and Work :neutral:

Yeah I didn't set out on this or anything... I just realized, "Hey, I haven't smoked in 2 days... maybe I could stretch this into a tolerance break" and I did, and it worked out quite nicely :)

Man I need a break too.. Seriously might do a little 7 day break myself
Do it... 7 days is great.... shit hits me for hours, and it hardly takes more than a few puffs of some good vapor to get me where I want to be :)

I'm about to take about a week T break after tonight.

Nice.... good luck.... it wasn't hard at all..... I just found I had a LOT more time, because I wasn't spending as much time with a volcano bag on my lap trying to get baked.