i''m glad to see you again!!!graf
the only rants that came about were due to people such as stonerville
who thinks Im quitting but obviously cant read.....
Im not leaving because I want to..... Im being "hawked" by my boss and hes taking away the computer here...... what a bitch
Im sure Ill still be really active in the next few days but at anytime, hes gonna take the comp w/o any warning, I cant help that so....
I guess Im sorry for my boss taking the computer..... if that makes sense to you..... (stonerville) well thats okay anyways.... you can sit on the sideline and make a dumb comment once a month, you could make a good name for yourself then!!
anyways, I love you all!! especially NGT!! since we became "ok"
SKH Ill never forget you man.... you argue like I do!!!
FDD You pointed me in the right directions.... even though u eloped w/ KP
KP newest member to piss off everyone by becoming so popular so goddamn fast!! lol
Mogie copy and paste queen, theres no better answer than a 3 page answer lol
wrldwildradio911 Im stealing your cloner idea... thanks lol
sk3tch3 my new good friend-- u have a lot of knowledge- use it well here and you can become something to talk about
Video- Iknow youre gonna see this so I just want to tell you I love you one more time- no matter what anyone else says... you are a very helpful person and you know that u are always welcome back here and Im sure others could vouch for that too!!!
I know that there are people I left out... If I did, you know that I appreciate everything that u did or said.... you are not forgotten...
and yes, Im going to be doing everything I can to come to the site as often as possible.... so I wont be that far away.. anyways... Im done

good luck to you all!!! GraF
If you love to argue........ PM me!!!