I have this girl..


Active Member
Just one female plant, og kush from reserva prada nearly 4 weeks old into veg and she has my tent to herself and 250w mh/hps.
i topped her around 5 days ago and she has taken nicely to it, she is growing rather fast, has been over fed slightly by my organic soil mix but hopefully should be fine.
I was after some opinions on what would be the best thing to do with her as far as yeild would be. Would it be too late to start a scrog of some sort maybe, i have never tried this i've always just let the plants do their thing apart from topping from time to time which i have some experience with. So any advice or threads people can put me in the right direction with would be super. thanks guys Heres where i'm at right now i took her out the tent for a snap but she's just chilling under the MH light nicely. :joint:



Yes definitely over-fed honestly it looks too green, like it was too much nitrogen? or something. So continue to back off till you get a brighter green. If you aren't using light effectively keep pinching growing tips, 1 main or multiple colas don't seem to increase or decrease yield that much, so its more or less light needs. You could try some co2 if you can get a tank and reg/solenoid timer. However if the light isnt nuff and you dont enhance that too, then it may be a waste of time.


Active Member
If you have the means and space, I would spread her out a little. Tie your side branches out and try to open the plant up a bit. I don't think i would attempt a scrog at this point. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I would top it lower.... I would cut the bitch in half really then veg it for another month.... but I just might be crazy......


Active Member
Yea i think some tieing down would be the best option maybe as i have already topped her.. as i say she has the tent to herself and i have seen some amazing grows using scrog where people can make 1 or 2 plants look like 10!