I have severe anxiety what strains you recommend me?

it aint like that. dont be fooled, I grow indicas that will make your heart jump out your chest and sativas that make you sleep like a baby. just like the rest of us, try them all, decide for yourself. Some use high cbd to combat pain but high cbd makes me nauseous and jittery.
Some patients eat a gram a day for pain relief while a gram of oil will knock me out for 2 days, hungover for another three.
hundreds can say what works for them, and hundreds can say it doesnt. break out your credit card, take one for the team, and start collecting beans for best results.

then , right when you think you're on to something....you'll find all those growing parameters can affect your final effects too. Like when to harvest, what to feed, when to feed, how hot, how cold, how much c02, how humid, how to dry, how to consume....then, in a year or two you'll no longer like your favorite strains maybe, and need to start once again. stay healthy, eat vitamins, live peacefully, avoid experimental psychotropic drugs, alcohol...goes a long way to ending anxiety.
it aint like that. dont be fooled, I grow indicas that will make your heart jump out your chest and sativas that make you sleep like a baby. just like the rest of us, try them all, decide for yourself. Some use high cbd to combat pain but high cbd makes me nauseous and jittery.
Some patients eat a gram a day for pain relief while a gram of oil will knock me out for 2 days, hungover for another three.
hundreds can say what works for them, and hundreds can say it doesnt. break out your credit card, take one for the team, and start collecting beans for best results.

then , right when you think you're on to something....you'll find all those growing parameters can affect your final effects too. Like when to harvest, what to feed, when to feed, how hot, how cold, how much c02, how humid, how to dry, how to consume....then, in a year or two you'll no longer like your favorite strains maybe, and need to start once again. stay healthy, eat vitamins, live peacefully, avoid experimental psychotropic drugs, alcohol...goes a long way to ending anxiety.
:shock: so your saying it all depends on the grower?
:shock: so your saying it all depends on the grower?

no, not ALL. much depends on the user. the grower can make errors too of course, causing all kinds of user issues.
Much depends on user chemotype, ph, moods, personal health, body deficiencies, lifestyle, its all about you.

for instance, I bet a person living check to check, robbing the cvs occasionally for some oxy's, well they might also suffer form severe anxiety, and mj could make it worse. Marijuana amplifies, magnifies your reality, if that reality is off center, troubled, the smoke may make that scene worse.
Growers can influence end product by how it's grown, when harvested etc but in general will be close. You might look at sites like Leafly for strain suggestions but don't be afraid to try others. I deal with fibro, usually an indica or high cbd is recommended for pain but some days it responds better to a sativa.

If you have an established dispensary for medical,talk to them. The ones here know their strains well and can make suggestions.
I think you might want something with low THC and ultra-low CBD. The best strain I've found to date was Pennywise from TGA SubCool. Pennywise was developed as a a high CBD strain but two different phenos I grew had CBD measured around .01%... One measured THC around 5% the other had a THC level of around 7 percent. I tried to pop three seeds, one didn't pop and the other two were the ladies I described so you have a decent chance of finding similar phenos in a package. Best of luck!