I have root aphids! Will evergreen ruin my organic grow? Week 4 flower


Active Member
I have just recently noticed I have root aphids. Well a soil drench of evergreen kill off my microherd forever? And if it does, would I still be able to use earth juice nutrients to feed it?


Active Member
I would buy sevrn powder. put on top of soil. all plants. buy yellow sticky bug traps....it will take care off all your problems..


Well-Known Member
I would flush with Azamax and add a layer of perlite on top of the soil so the bastards sofocate.


Well-Known Member
I WOULD ADD A 1/2 IN LAYER OF SAND on the top of the soil to smother the bastards


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...nematodes...I think nematodes are always a good idea...and hey it fits with the organic ness of the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
yah there're organics solutions too but sometimes you only want retaliation! KILL EM ALLLLL


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...nematodes...I think nematodes are always a good idea...and hey it fits with the organic ness of the whole thing.
I love nematodes for gnats.. They munch on the larvae! Sticky traps to catch adults. Probably good for aphids too.


Active Member
So I checked my grow room, I'm not too sure if its root aphids :/ They look like small beetle/oval shaped creatures that don't move (or I haven't seen them move) and they just stick to the leaves. They leave these "wet spots" I like to call them as well as holes on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
sand and perlite on top does not work. they find ways through air holes. ive done it all thats organic., azamax gognats, neem( great for pm), pure spray green(great for mites). What I found that works is oraganocide, and diatomaceous earth.....

aphids hang out at the bottom of the soil, gnats on top 2 inches of soil, trips , white flies, and mites hang out on the leaves. Pure spray will get rid of leaf dwellers after a couple applications. its omri listed too.

if you kill off your micros, just flush then dry then feed with compost or guano tea


Well-Known Member
So the bug I saw isn't a root aphid? It was fairly on the top portion of my plant.
Uhhhhh .... No

Study the name, just as *leaf* miners aren't in the roots, *root* aphids aren't on the 'top portion' of the plant.

Please relax and quit *fixing* your plants for things that don't exist, or that you created. Just chill.



You have to get a book or find a good online page to bookmark that has pics of pests and diseases. For identification. You are the only one who knows for sure what's going on with your plants 100%. Just don't take one of your leaves to the local ag/grow shop. They'll have to make you leave. No pun intended. :) I saw some old bitch (about my age! Hahaha) bring one in the store one day when I was there getting some nice ag Molasses and when they told her to leave she told us all to fuck off! What a tw-at.