I have no idea what is going on here. Expert roll it up advice needed!! PICS INCLUDED

100_2331.jpg100_2330.jpg100_2335.jpg100_2329.jpg100_2332.jpg100_2336.jpg100_2337.jpgI have 3 plants growing under a 400 watt hps cooltube lighting system. 1 kandy kush 1 white rhino and 1 platinum kush. The kandy kush is looking healthy for the most part but some leaves are looking burned and curling at the tips as u will see below. The white rhino is doing pretty much the same thing,leaves turning brown nd dying off. what could this be? As for the platinum, lst'd and the leaves both new and older growth looks to be shriveled up or deformed? i really dont knw whats going on here. any ideas advice or comments is greatly appreciated. --------------they are in fox farm ocean soil and i am using gh flora series nutrients. this is their 2nd week of flower...any suggestions?:-(


Well-Known Member
it doesn't look horrible...ph issue maybe? check the PH of your soil...also how much are you feeding that thing? And how much is left in the soil for nutrients? And how often are you watering it?
im feeding half the recommended amount according to the gh feeding table. and watering every 3 days or so. im not exactly sure about the nutrients left in the soil. thought mayb i should flush them out before giving anymore nutes. but not 2 sure..


Well-Known Member
I agree with massah, looks like a pH issue. I use a bit of pH up in soil with GH Flora series. I see some brown tips in your pictures, which typically indicates overfeeding, but could also be salt build up. Give them a nice flush to get any remaining fertilizer out, then go back to your half strength nutes. I think you'll see improvement.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
have you checked for bugs...esp soil aphids. put a dish of sweet lemon water on the floor and see if you get any bugs overnight.
check the roots, are they white and healthy or brown?

hope you get it figured out.


Well-Known Member
what is ph of water or nutes going in. Is it all ffof? any perlite? or mix?. I too see small signs of burns of lower growth in my ffof but it never really progresses.


Well-Known Member
You have some type of burn with possible
over watering. Are you checking your ppm
and ph of watering and feeding? FFOF holds
I lot of water I've grew 100% ffof for a long
time but starting from now on I'm mixing it
with perlite at least 1/3 to 1/2 perlite.
