I have no clue what’s going on in my grow tank anymore

Ok, so you are a troll.

How tf does that make me the troll?? What type of among us Shìt you on… I clearly don’t know much about growing so I’m going to avoid anything that sounds dangerous to the plant even if it could help, sorry but one thing I read was “it’s called weed for a reason… let it do it’s thing” and I’ve been running with it
How tf does that make me the troll?? What type of among us Shìt you on… I clearly don’t know much about growing so I’m going to avoid anything that sounds dangerous to the plant even if it could help, sorry but one thing I read was “it’s called weed for a reason… let it do it’s thing” and I’ve been running with it
It doesn’t. You’ve made yourself a troll.
Funny but irrelevant to my dilemma
Dude take a chili to be on these forums you need to get thick skin not every reply is a direct dig at you. Relax. The best advice one can give you is just let those go and see what happens. If you get more seeds get some better soil and do as much reading on the growing subject you can find dont take everyone’s answer as gospel you have to learn from your mistakes and acting like this is the only weed in the world is not going to help you if they were free seeds you gave it an honest attempt and almost everyone fails their first time. But as a side note yes us upstaters done like NYC doesn’t mean everyone there is a turd we just don’t like the place it’s makes our taxes the higher than they need to be and shit laws that’s what we don’t like about it and the oh mighty attitudes that come from there. I wish you the best of luck on your grow. Read read read and read some more
Pretty sure you can drum up some bag seed somewhere- street swag . Or make small order to a U.S. seedbank ( North Atlantic seeds for example ).

As far as fish tank - regardless of what plant is in it , tank will not have drainage holes. So that Dog Shit ( if you are being serious) will make a slurry of pathogenic shit. Also yard dirt may or may not have nutritional elements for your plants.

No way should you ever use dog crap as some kind of compost. Make life easy … get some proper seeds / plastic plant pot / potting mix .