i have every single bug in my plant


ok so i have just noticed today that i have little mites, worms, these black long looking crittters with a pointed tail, fungus gnats, WTF!. my plant is getting raped by little bugs. but fourtanetley my plants looks really healthy still, thank god. ok so i just sprayed my plant today with some dishwashing soap water to try to resolve the problem.. im about 1 1/2 month into the veg stage. this is my first grow and so far this plant is doing well. expect for bugs. if they dont go away soon, my plant is prob fucked. what should i do?? is the soap water good enough.. HELP!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Neem Oil? Do you have hydro shop close by? There are lots of products out there.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Well, whatever u do, I suggest that u don't shrug it off cuz ur plants are doing well right now. I recommend re-potting in clean sterile soil immediately. Clean the shit out of ur grow room and maybe get one of those bug-zapper lights or sticky traps.


dishwashing soap? Come on man, this isn't a pie pan this is a plant, go to any local home and garden store or a gardening store if you have it and find some good killing soaps. I prefer Safers killing soap or Lawn and Garden. In an infestation like yours I'd add both together, also with some neem oil. And think long and hard about how so many kinda of bugs could have gotten on your plant, ventilation, soil, etc.


Well-Known Member
plant still looks happy........just keep it away from me (jk)...dude get some pure spray green (shit's pimp) it'll kill em' all.


Well-Known Member
dishwashing soap? Come on man, this isn't a pie pan this is a plant, go to any local home and garden store or a gardening store if you have it and find some good killing soaps. I prefer safers killing soap or lawn and garden. In an infestation like yours i'd add both together, also with some neem oil. And think long and hard about how so many kinda of bugs could have gotten on your plant, ventilation, soil, etc.
thats great advice i would just add.
Def get at least 2 to 3 different products.bugs tend to build a resistence.
Use them in 5 day intervals switching what you use each time.
I use neem,safer soap,serenade.