Well-Known Member
As somone who does not believe in anysort of encompassing being as in theism, I have dreams that are very "christian" in meaning (my honest interpretation of it). It has nothing to do with Christ, bible, cross or any other christian symbolism or anything from the bible. I say its christian because I attach the idea of god to it. I was raised in the LDS church from birth and believed in god, church untill the 6th grade when my dad put me in a private baptist school and by 7th grade I was trying to worship satan for a short period.
Before I got sick I was a multi-instrumentalist that studied traditional music of Ireland Scotland and Wales, was an advanced purcussionist, and Bagpiper and rhythm guitar player(same style as the greek/irish bouzouki, only tailored for a six string). It was great. I could express myself musically so easy! Like a dream. A friend told me it was kundalini. I had some sessions drumming where I would get so absorbed into the beat that I would feel an orgasmic-like feeling in my abdomen and would have to stop playing because the intensity and I would have to catch my breath. I could never KEEP going with it. Anyway, like all dreams, came to an end after 4 month of being in this dream like state where I could play all these instruments. A year later I couldnt play a note. Got out of jail and was never the same since.....But sorry, back to god dreams.
I see them as being revealing, but revealing what? For instance my most recent dream, I was looking down a long hallway like I was in a house built in the 19th century, it was very wide with the tall ceilings. And at the end of the hallway from a big window, beams of sunlight come through the trees and light the hall way like its about 3pm on a summer day, very church-ish. And the light coming through gives me a feeling of peace unlike Ive ever experienced or realized in my waking life. Only for a few moment.
But this feeling in random dreams, whether it is beautiful webs of water in the sky, or a flock of birds landing in the distance or a white light, its the same feeling. And I always think god when I experience these things in the dream. Yet I dispise the bible and all abrahamic faiths. Self-discovery is cool though. To understand who you truly are. Funny, its good to be self-aware but bad to be self-conscious.
Any thoughts or similar stories?
Before I got sick I was a multi-instrumentalist that studied traditional music of Ireland Scotland and Wales, was an advanced purcussionist, and Bagpiper and rhythm guitar player(same style as the greek/irish bouzouki, only tailored for a six string). It was great. I could express myself musically so easy! Like a dream. A friend told me it was kundalini. I had some sessions drumming where I would get so absorbed into the beat that I would feel an orgasmic-like feeling in my abdomen and would have to stop playing because the intensity and I would have to catch my breath. I could never KEEP going with it. Anyway, like all dreams, came to an end after 4 month of being in this dream like state where I could play all these instruments. A year later I couldnt play a note. Got out of jail and was never the same since.....But sorry, back to god dreams.
I see them as being revealing, but revealing what? For instance my most recent dream, I was looking down a long hallway like I was in a house built in the 19th century, it was very wide with the tall ceilings. And at the end of the hallway from a big window, beams of sunlight come through the trees and light the hall way like its about 3pm on a summer day, very church-ish. And the light coming through gives me a feeling of peace unlike Ive ever experienced or realized in my waking life. Only for a few moment.
But this feeling in random dreams, whether it is beautiful webs of water in the sky, or a flock of birds landing in the distance or a white light, its the same feeling. And I always think god when I experience these things in the dream. Yet I dispise the bible and all abrahamic faiths. Self-discovery is cool though. To understand who you truly are. Funny, its good to be self-aware but bad to be self-conscious.
Any thoughts or similar stories?