• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I have Been noticing recently...



With a heavy heart, please read what i have to say

I try to explain to everyone i can, try to slowly ease them into the fact that the government is not always in your best interest

they are not your saviors...

more recently, in my quest to spread the truth, i have noticed that there are many, MANY close minded people

People whos heads are so deep into the box of mainstream propaganda that there is no hope of awakening them...

This honestly makes me sad, genuine sad feelings that almost made me want to cry

why you may ask?

because these people, this herd of "Sheeple" is practically BEGGING for their own enslavement

they have no idea what they are getting themselves into

one of my co workers the other day said he knew stuff was going bad, but that it was ok because jesus was going to come and save everyone before everything went down

these things make me very very sad...

People calling themselves patriots wont even stand up to the tyranny staring them right in the face...

people have lost the will to be free....

this is why i am sad


What !!, you lost the plot man, just have a spliff and chill..
i lost the plot? maybe you dont understand

ive seen people with signs begging for both the cap and trade bill, AND the climate change bill

people are begging for their own enslavement, and my pity and my empathy have combined into a sadness

i am afraid for my fellow americans, and i am willing to fight and die to protect their basic god given rights they are so very determined to give away


Well-Known Member
Apparently shipping people's children off to war to die for idiotic causes is a strong motivator for giving up personal freedoms. If that doesn't work, there's always terrorism!


Well-Known Member
one of my co workers the other day said he knew stuff was going bad, but that it was ok because jesus was going to come and save everyone before everything went down

these things make me very very sad...
Lmao thats my father. He has HITLERS FAVORITE Bible verse down pact...


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Keenly, people really have become lapdogs to whatever they deem the 'truth' to be. Keep questioning everything you hear or read about. Just because it sounds good doesn't mean that it is.

I took a couple minutes to watch the telavangelists this morning and it is scary. Turning on the news or talking with some of my friends that are Obama fanatics, or people that are devoted to the Fox news channel and take everything they say as the truth. One thing that I have noticed is that when they end up with no more 'logic' they inevitably just make themselves feel superior by saying "I feel sorry for you".

But why do you have to say the cap and trade, or climate bill? What research have you done into these things? Or did you swallow the propaganda that is out there, and take it as religion?

And none of us is immune to this, I used to take in Michael Moore's films as the undisputted truth, until I took time to learn on my own. I try to look at all sides of issues and come to my own conclusion now using as much different sources as possible. And even then I am have to admit I am wrong at times, new information always comes in and can adjust what is going on.

And I owe it to Moore, the more I learned the more I started to realize there was things to question, and eventually started to see the patterns of how people bend the truth to their own ends. And how I was wrong in just blindly following it. But at the same time I got to see what the patterns are of the people that blindly follow others "Truth" and make it their own.


But why do you have to say the cap and trade, or climate bill? What research have you done into these things? Or did you swallow the propaganda that is out there, and take it as religion?

people that blindly follow others "Truth" and make it their own.
I dont exactly know what your getting at with this statement

but listening to Ohio representative Boehner (prob spelt wrong)

(btw the links of which i posted in my climate change bill thread, which apparently everyone hijacked without even WATCHING the videos)

The man breaks down the 300 page amendment added at 3:09 AM the morning the bill was supposed to be voted on

its RIDICULOUS the things in this bill.....

im not basing my opinion on some one else opinion

im basing my opinion on the statements in the bill


Well-Known Member
but listening to Ohio representative Boehner (prob spelt wrong)
That is what I am saying. Your drinking in what he is saying as it is the truth. This guy is defender of all things anti-Obama. And I can understand your stance against him, and that is fine, we need people to always question the other side. But he is basically to Obama what Michael Moore was to Bush.

And If I came on here a few years ago and was spewing everything Moore said as the truth, wouldn't I have been wrong?


Well-Known Member
Here is the summary of the amendments:

On June 26, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives approved H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy
and Security Act, by a vote of 219 to 212. The legislation will create millions of new clean energy jobs,
enhance America’s energy independence, and protect the environment. The following is a brief summary
of H.R. 2454.
Key provisions in the bill:

• Require electric utilities to meet 20% of their electricity demand through renewable energy
sources and energy efficiency by 2020.

• Invest in new clean energy technologies and energy efficiency, including energy efficiency and
renewable energy ($90 billion in new investments by 2025), carbon capture and sequestration ($60
billion), electric and other advanced technology vehicles ($20 billion), and basic scientific
research and development ($20 billion).

• Establish new energy-saving standards for new buildings and appliances,.

• Reduce carbon emissions from major U.S. sources by 17% by 2020 and over 80% by 2050
compared to 2005 levels. Complementary measures in the legislation, such as investments in
preventing tropical deforestation, will achieve significant additional reductions in carbon

• Protect consumers from energy price increases. According to estimates from the Environmental
Protection Agency, the reductions in carbon pollution required by the legislation will cost
American families less than a postage stamp per day. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
calculates that the legislation will cost the average household less than 50 cents per day.

Because of its balanced approach, the American Clean Energy and Security Act has received broad
support from industry and environmentalists. Passage of the bill in the House was supported by electric
utilities, oil companies, car companies, chemical companies, major manufacturers, environmental
organizations, efficiency advocates, agricultural interests, labor organizations, and representatives of the
faith community, among many others. According to CBO, the legislation meets PAYGO requirements.
Here is the link for it http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20090724/hr2454_housesummary.pdf

And here is the full files of everything you could possibly want http://energycommerce.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1633:the-american-clean-energy-and-security-act-of-2009-hr-2454&catid=156:reports&Itemid=55

But does this mean that I believe everything in it, no not at all. I think that over time the loopholes that are in it will be found out and we will see the bad part.

But the same arguments that are being brought up now are the same as when companies wanted to continue to dump waste into the rivers and ground. And I am sure you will agree we are better off for not having that.

I am not a lapdog of anyone in the government, but I do appreciate science (and they make mistakes all the time). And I charish the ability for us to constantly question our leaders. Just because I agree with this bill, the stimulus package and some kind of improvement in healthcare does not mean that I have not come to those conclusions because of someone elses telling me that it was needed.

I am opposed to a economic collapse, polluting the air we breath in the name of statis quo, and how poorly 1/6 of americans health care is (since we are already paying for it anyway).


Well-Known Member
But why do you have to say the cap and trade, or climate bill? What research have you done into these things? Or did you swallow the propaganda that is out there, and take it as religion?

And I owe it to Moore, the more I learned the more I started to realize there was things to question, and eventually started to see the patterns of how people bend the truth to their own ends.
If anyone knows how to bend the truth to their own end it would be you.













Well-Known Member
If anyone knows how to bend the truth to their own end it would be you.
And your following youtube like it is the gospel makes you............. nevermind, I am trying to keep civil. I like debating with you, but why can't you understand that I don't just bite into the apple. I form my own decisions and try to explain the logic that I have used to form it. And inevitably everytime I do the parts that don't fit into what people want to see gets ignored.

Looking at those vid pics (I don't have sound on Mozilla for some reason and dont want to go to explorer atm to look up all those videos. I will say this, as someone that watches C-Span a lot I have watched a lot of the 'testimony' that happens there. It is a joke. They provide no science, no logic, and are just looking to get soundbites onto the news channels so that the people that vote for them will think that they are fighting the good fight.

The politicians from texas are way out there, and Beohner is just attacking everything akin to throwing the spaghetti at the wall and hoping somethign sticks.

btw what is posting their videos supposed to tell me? Do you think they don't have an agenda so that everything they say is the truth?

Do you not think they have been lobbied hard and are saying the same things that the companies that wanted to pollute in the water said back in the day?

History repeats itself.


Well-Known Member
And your following youtube like it is the gospel makes you............. nevermind, I am trying to keep civil. I like debating with you, but why can't you understand that I don't just bite into the apple. I form my own decisions and try to explain the logic that I have used to form it. And inevitably everytime I do the parts that don't fit into what people want to see gets ignored.

Looking at those vid pics (I don't have sound on Mozilla for some reason and dont want to go to explorer atm to look up all those videos. I will say this, as someone that watches C-Span a lot I have watched a lot of the 'testimony' that happens there. It is a joke. They provide no science, no logic, and are just looking to get soundbites onto the news channels so that the people that vote for them will think that they are fighting the good fight.

The politicians from texas are way out there, and Beohner is just attacking everything akin to throwing the spaghetti at the wall and hoping somethign sticks.

btw what is posting their videos supposed to tell me? Do you think they don't have an agenda so that everything they say is the truth?

Do you not think they have been lobbied hard and are saying the same things that the companies that wanted to pollute in the water said back in the day?

History repeats itself.
The youtube watching this is VERY JRHLY.

If you watch the video it explains the TRUTH.

Why take my word when you can get the facts from the source.

Open your mind please Sir.:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
With a heavy heart, please read what i have to say

I try to explain to everyone i can, try to slowly ease them into the fact that the government is not always in your best interest

they are not your saviors...

more recently, in my quest to spread the truth, i have noticed that there are many, MANY close minded people

People whos heads are so deep into the box of mainstream propaganda that there is no hope of awakening them...

This honestly makes me sad, genuine sad feelings that almost made me want to cry

why you may ask?

because these people, this herd of "Sheeple" is practically BEGGING for their own enslavement

they have no idea what they are getting themselves into

one of my co workers the other day said he knew stuff was going bad, but that it was ok because jesus was going to come and save everyone before everything went down

these things make me very very sad...

People calling themselves patriots wont even stand up to the tyranny staring them right in the face...

people have lost the will to be free....

this is why i am sad


Well-Known Member
The youtube watching this is VERY JRHLY.

If you watch the video it explains the TRUTH.

Why take my word when you can get the facts from the source.

Open your mind please Sir.:joint::hump:
Do you really think that what the politicians with everything to gain, and nothing to lose say is the 'truth'?

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
What's even sadder is we are already slaves. We have been living a lie. Our "Democracy", "Freedom" etc. is all bullshit. They are just enacting the final plans right now to fully control us.


Well-Known Member
What's even sadder is we are already slaves. We have been living a lie. Our "Democracy", "Freedom" etc. is all bullshit. They are just enacting the final plans right now to fully control us.



you see...

your saying Bhoener is anti obama and i shouldnt trust what he says...

he is a representative in this country...

and he was reading the passages word for word....

i do not see anything in your summary about the federal government regulating ALL building codes,

your efficiency audits both before AND after you buy/sell a house

any time you make a home improvement you have to be audited for energy efficiency

the federal government decides what building materials must be used in the construction of houses

there is lines in that amendment that literally talk about helping companies outsource overseas... PAYING them to do it.................

this is going to create jobs?

but yeah like i said your "summary" does not even do anything close to justice to the horrors of this bill


Jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs.

EVERYONE, if you read 1 post in your whole life read this one

if youll notice the clock in this video....and the clock on Boehners video...

What im saying is im 90% sure this statement is her RESPONSE to Boehners 60 minute breakdown of the amendment

Boehner: this amendment is rediculous, you cant sneak by congress. This bill is going to ruin america and here is why

*reads through the 300 page amendmant, noting about 20 or 30 things which he reads in their entirety*

Nancy comes up, and as a rebuttle to a sixty minute argument.... does this

kisses the ass of the woman in the big chair ( cant remember her name atm)

proceeds to initiate clapping for about a minute and a half

then her ONLY response to what he had to say was

" remember these 4 words, jobs , jobs, jobs jobs"

what stupid stupid bitch