I Have An Old Super Soil Recipe, Has it Changed Much??


Well-Known Member
so i found an old High Times with Subcools Super Soil article in it. with recipe. the issue is roughly 3 years old (March of 2009 #398). i was wondering if this should be amended in anyway since i have heard that Roots is little "hot" this year. so, im curious, and i hate to post a thread that someone else has already posted, but what should i do to amend this issue? this is a first time use of this and since it has to sit for 6 months, i will be using Roots on its own for now. i will actually start seeds and clones in the Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 i haven been using, but have decided to switch and move away from. i have found that if i can make roughly 100gal of soil, and the shelf life is 1 year, the money i will save on nutes will make up for the wait and the price of the mix. keeping it green!


Well-Known Member
No worries just a reference for those who remember :) Wasn't making fun of vic's it's just old school - guessing sub's is based on his original formula but no idea for sure. Miss those days sometimes... well, except for my ex :)


Well-Known Member
okay. so i have read the first page of the new 2010 thread/mix. is this recipe amended for this years Roots mix?? i hear that Roots is "hot" this year? so would this mix essentially still be okay? i was looking for a more up to date recipe then 2 years ago...


Well-Known Member
thats right!! bad short term memory lose. i remember reading that now. duh. thank you very much for reminding me


Well-Known Member
good question. i may be able to find it here where i live. but i only go to 1 shop. and i ts not that i can't go to another, but i would have to hunt it down. maybe not though...