I have an idea.

DJ jtOwn

Active Member
So I have an idea about growing from a remote location.

Say you engineer a system that would work with timers, and a computer that you can control from a remote location. Set up a reverse osmosis with all the plant vitamin mixes, and light switches controlled by the computer.

You could...

  • Connect to the computer inside the house.
  • Control all the functions that aren't necessary for you to be there.
  • adjust humidity levels, exhaust rates, and needed watering.
Has anyone else put any thought into something like this? It would be a very good idea for someone that would say rent a house out, and use it for a grow station. It would minimize any suspicious activities, and reduce the risk of getting caught don't you think?

I have been told that helicopters fly over houses & scan certain areas with inferred heat detectors. What if you made say a box that would cover the location of the lights that would be filled with water & frozen to reduce heat from being detected?

I just had a few crazy ideas that I want to share with this community. I know I have not been very active, but I did build a successful grow area using a computer & a few automated things to reduce "work load" that seems to be working for me. Maybe I can indulge & make a video for you all.


Well-Known Member
Well it's a theory, so theoretically, it could work... :P

As for the frozen water - yeh you could do that.... but why not just get one of the many infrared blocking materials on the market?

Computers are great, with the knowledge, you could allow for computers to automatically do just about all the general management of your plants - aside from the obvious things....

People already do things similar to this.. about 4 years ago when i was in florida, there were 7 houses raided within a 5 mile radius of mine for being automated grow houses. People were being hired, and given travel/living expenses, from up in NY to come to certain towns in FL to look after 5-10 houses... they would manage the setups from their computers, and come check on the plants once a week at night... they all got busted due to nosy ass neighbors reporting suspicious activites - not infrared scanning...


Well-Known Member
hahahha, you had better be a good engineer if you want to make this set up work without spending 10 000$ plus. I suggest you take an embeded board programming class to start with.

lighting easy...timer.

nutrients.... well you would need to write a program that reads from a ppm/ph meter and adjusts levels coresponding to a predetermined schedule. and impliment a physical system adjust acordingly... i dont know where you would get the hardware but im sure you could rig something up with servos and something like those shot despensers they use at bars.

water. you would need a holding/distilling and nutrient mixing tank. and a resovoir for the plants.... you would have to store water... distill it and then mix nutrients to the next phase of feeding... compleatly drain previous water, and transfer. you could do that with two pumps. one pumps res empty then the next pump fills.

and finaly with a system like this there is no margin for nature to show her diversity. you would have to grow clones that are very consistent...

in sort you need an engineering degree. then like six grand in parts. if you have ever done programming you will know that things seldom go to plan. the debugging of this sort of physical system would require constant observation and adjustments for at least five-ten grows before it could be left alone.

my suggestion. go soil. set a timer for lights, and have a res of water that you fill every few weeks. set the timer to water for 5 mins every day. or whatever amount of water works depending on transperation... whatever you do. dont set up a webcam to monitor... thats asking for truble.

but hell! im positve its been done! good luck.


Well-Known Member
not to bag on you bro but this sounds like you were super high and got to thinking about growing then paranoia set in and then thoughts on how to beat them lol honestly if you have the money go for it jus save some for a good lawyer jus in case it dont work