I have an extremely sickly plant for you guys.Please help


Well-Known Member
OK, so my buddy is growing a white widow seed from nirvana I gave him and he really fucked it up.....bad.I tried helping him but I am really stumped so any help or information would be greatly appreciated :-o

Here is what hes using
Osmocote plus- 2 tablespoons
coast of maine organic potting soil with extra perlite added
3 gallon pot
150 watt hps about 10 inches away
never checked the ph until I came over and it was 7 so I added some ph down to the water and made it 6.8

What is happening is,is that all the older fan leaves are dying and shriveling up, they start turning yellow from the outside in leaving the inside part of the leaf green. Quite a few leaves are developing brown spots around the edges and its only getting worse and the leaves are looking droopy.The buds have stopped growing also :-?.
Yeah sorry about the pics but I am not going back there in about a week and im afraid it will be dead by then.....The nutrients I am using is osmocote plus. Its a time release 20-20-20 fertilizer with macro nutrients. I have read in a few forums how good it is and it is guarenteed not to burn the plants.
Holy shit thanks man, I think that's what it might be!I am still worried about the browning along the edges of the plant,do you think that could be a result of the PH being fucked up? I am thinking a good flush of ph'd water and some added potassium will do a world of good.
Osmokote will kill MJ... it is why people tell ya NOT to use Miracle Grow slow-release soil-- it has Osmokote in it!

Every time you wter- more is released-- so you can't adjust or flush the plants...

need to replant in some nuetral soil WITHOUT the Osmokote-- Miracle-grow ORGANIC soil is actually good if it's all you can get... but figure out what to use as nutes-- NOT Osmokote .. and not MG unless there is no choice---
Below is a link to a list of commonly used nutes and how to use them- including Fish emulsions, Miracle grow and most commonly found "cannabis' nutes...

Hope it helps y'all!!
