I have all the bud hanging and have whiteflies in the dry tents

I had white flies through my whole grow. I thought I had them killed off. I was spraying with Dr Zymes. Once I harvested I did a bud wash which I never ever do. I never believed in bud washing until this. I have white flies in my dry tents. It’s a big harvest too. I’m half way through the drying process. I don’t wanna lose this. It’s one of the best grows I’ve had. Anyone have advice? How will I get the white flies out of the bud ?


Well-Known Member
Google the formula to use Dr Zymes for the wash. Re-wash & clean the tent while they drip dry before placing in a clean tent to dry.


Well-Known Member
Will the white flys leave the buds as they dry or do they consume dead plants. Just asking a question.