I have a trunk i grow in!


Well-Known Member
So im pretty much a badass idk how this is going to work..Last night i was bored as hell and i have this wooden trunk "chest" its 36" tall and 40"s wide...so i covered the inside with tinfoil every where i put a a light that i used to an old fish tank...its not even an HP light..but its started thease plants off they just sprounted today it looks like its a good little grow set up but i need to get some kind of circulation in there but tell me how you guys think this little set ups going to go..b.c i have a grow box i just felt like tyring something new...u know it never hurts to try something new


Well-Known Member
well u will definitely need more light than a lil fish tank light and the tin foil is bad, it gets hot spots and might burn holes in ur leaves. but that does sound like a cool little grow box if you do everything right


Well-Known Member
Its a badass trunk. Probably the best thing grabbed out of storage haha.
Yeah and a box has three dimensions Chad ;)

36" tall and a base of 24"x40"

Anyone mind suggesting what light(s) would be best for something of this size?