I Have a Question About Buds/ Flowers in Bloom and Water.


i sprayed my buds and got them all soaked... now? they all ook like wet rats! the pretty white fluffy look is gone and in fact, there are some greyish/reddish looking hairs lef in their place but, no more white afro! did i screw them up? it was only molassas... i rinsed them off after the hairs turned dark thinking id stained them with the molassas, should have never sprayed them! arrrrgh! will they ever look pretty again? or will they have that ugly wet dog look (even when dry) forever?


Active Member
the lower the humidity the faster they'll dry.

I'd try to get it down to like 20-30% They'd probably be back (close to) normal in 48hrs.

edit: and molassis goes in soil, diluted, not a foliar feed.


wtf dude! :wall: get lots of air in there also as well as lowering the humidity. your seriously running the risk of rotting them if you let them stand.


Well-Known Member
Was it diluted molasses or just straight, thick, sticky molasses? If it was diluted to roughly the consistency of water, you'll be fine. A lot of marijuana is still grown outdors, it rains outdoors, buds get wet, they dry. Unless you caked your plants with syrup, they should be fine in a few days or so.


Well-Known Member
you start a thread saying i sprayed my buds with molasses they are soaked and look like shit will they be ok. every one says stop spraying them get more ventilation to them to dry them out and they will be fine your response is fuck you i will do what i want then you call people trying to help you dummies if you don't want help with your grow don't ask questions in newbie central


I know 4 a fact that spraying your bud/buds with Molaseses works!! I myself never herd of it till earlier tongiht! BUt HELL yeas it works!! And diulted in a sprayer with propper ventilation and humidity, they will do just fine!! I myself wouldn't spray it on my buds! But water with it hell yes! A seen it with my own two eyes, on a thread of a chick that has a KILLER looking grow/ and she uses * Grandmas Molasses, " not the orange bottle" but the green bottle, and make sure you get the "UNSULPHRED" kind!! But I myself plan on doing this very thing after seeing her grow, just adding it to the soil/DWC system though!! Later


Well-Known Member
i'm not saying that molasses doesn't work it works very good as a micro nutrient and quick source of energy for the various forms of beneficial microbes in your soil.
I'm simply trying to figure out why the op asked for help got good advice and then told everyone to fuck off called them dumb and said everyone on riu are a bunch assholes


Active Member
I know 4 a fact that spraying your bud/buds with Molaseses works!! I myself never herd of it till earlier tongiht! BUt HELL yeas it works!! And diulted in a sprayer with propper ventilation and humidity, they will do just fine!! I myself wouldn't spray it on my buds! But water with it hell yes! A seen it with my own two eyes, on a thread of a chick that has a KILLER looking grow/ and she uses * Grandmas Molasses, " not the orange bottle" but the green bottle, and make sure you get the "UNSULPHRED" kind!! But I myself plan on doing this very thing after seeing her grow, just adding it to the soil/DWC system though!! Later
wheres the link to this chicks grow? really want to check it out.
I AGREE WITH KU$HKING THATS MY HOMIE! MOLLASSES is the shit. I use it on every grow foliar and soil. If you dont your deffintly missing out. IT MAKES BUDS TASTE SWEET AND REAL SMOOTH ON YOUR LUNGS. I recomend to use.


wheres the link to this chicks grow? really want to check it out.

There she is my friend... I don't know the exact post it was she made, I read it sometime earlier!
But just check her shit out!! This chick has it going on!! Her plant's really look happy, happy!!
And her name is :) calicatt79...

Oh, and Slim83, I understand totally about you and everyone else trying to help to guy out, then him turning around and bashing everyone!! I wouldn't take to that bullshit neither bro..!!

To the guy who said the BS ) *** No just because someone disagrees with what your doing "like spraying molasses" on your buds bro, that doesn't mean that there haters nor asshole, and you shouldn't tell them fuck you!! That's just out right childish!! Later... I think you may need to smoke you a bowel of the dank your growing my friend!! Take er easy.. No one was hating on you!! I didn't get that at all from what people where saying to you, honestly, they where just telling you not to let it stand, and a few not to spray buds during flowering! No big deal! Peace!!



Well-Known Member
Why do you ask for help then start talking shit to everyone??? If you believed that it wouldn't be a problem then why ask?