I have a MONSTER of a bong that needs cleaning


New Member
Everyone says salt and alc. But that doesnt do shit to it i have four layers of crushed glass with a honey comb layer as well it belonged to,my friend who passed away so i dont wanna boil it im afraid it will break anyone have advice?


Well-Known Member
Grain alcohol...180 proof and COARSE salt. Plug the holes, fill it up with alcohol and let it soak for 24 hours. Add salt and shake like a baby. Drain it, do a shot of the dirty alcohol. .:spew:rinse with clean water. Should be good. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Try a Biological washing soap - hand warm water and a cup of that - leave to soak a few days...


^ why would you get 70% when 91% cost the same price? The only reason to use 70% is so it doesn't dry out your skin too much.

After you get it clean with the alc, use some vinegar to dissolve any hard water stains, and only use distilled water in ur bong so you don't get hard water stains, they really mess up the taste of a rip.