Well-Known Member
Okay so here goes, my B-friend has a cousin that he is VERY close with well he has renal disease he does dialysis 3 times a week, at the young age of 5 or six he got really sick kidneys shut down & his Mom gave him one of her kidneys, well that got him threw until now, the dialysis is just a little band-aid & is only buying him a few months until they find another donar well they want my boyfriend to be tested to see if he is a match. Well this means that he can't blaze for a month. He will not chance failing the test by using any products like those flush drinks & crap, because if he failed he could never live with himself.
SO........I am gonna pole this one, is what I would like from everyone who replies. give me your answer and your sex e.g. (FEMALE or MALE)
Here it is.......Should I stop blazing with him?????
SO........I am gonna pole this one, is what I would like from everyone who replies. give me your answer and your sex e.g. (FEMALE or MALE)
Here it is.......Should I stop blazing with him?????