I have 40 foot cont.


Active Member
New grower here and i have a 40 foot container in my backyard from previous storage. how much you think i have to spend to start growing i have water and electricity thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
how much you wanna grow? you could put in 20 lights, but you would need a gen or 10 staggered still need a gen


Well-Known Member
partition off the back 8ft...use 4 400w lights line walls with mylar...depending on quality of lights and fans...anywhere between $1600 to $2500...good luck


Well-Known Member
ive always dreamed of having a 40' container burried in the back yard for a monster grow. but man thats a lot of trouble so as sad as it is for me to say, it must remain only a dream... just section off a bit like W99illie suggested and keep your numbers under themagical 100


Well-Known Member
About $5000, for a 40 foot grow space. i'd say. :D

Burry that thing underground for ultimate stealth ;)


Active Member
yea dude bury it underground but when leo flies over with a heat sensing radar looking for the carjacker at night and they see a *fire* underground im sure they will try to put it out :)


Active Member
thanks for all your comments i have about $4000 to work with. also the area i live in its pretty calm so we have no car robberies we get the occasional ghetto bird but thats it. And last but not least i started planning this a couple years back


i bought it then dug and put it in and left it so if my neighbors asked what happened to it i said " too big sold it" but they didnt know squat.

what strains should i grow though, remember i have 8ft x 40ft


Well-Known Member
I mean the thing to do is just fill this thing with VOLKsgardens .

Have you grown before? Your really going to need to figure that out before you start to plan a huge ass grow, start small, your gonna need to figure ventilation.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to see pics of this thing before I believe it, until then I will risk looking like an asshole to say you are full of shit. If your not, $4grand wont do you justice in 1/4 of that thing, go get about 20 stacks and then come back with pics otherwise you will just get laughed at. We see people like you here all the time, you claim to have outrageous shit, never show it and end up gone within a few days, so... peace...


Well-Known Member
some how i believe this cat. he might be exagerating but, i got a hunch he may be tellin the truth. i give him the benefit of the doubt, if he's lying then he's only fucking his self. but damn, i'm jealous, i wish i had that much space to play with. i would grow a forest in that bitch. good luck. $4000 to buy your shit, sounds like it might cover it, but find some deals!!!!


Active Member
I have to say that starting off with that big of a grow inst a good idea. I would recommend just starting with five plants or so. and then once you harvest those and get some experience you can do more. but definitely buy a couple of books on growing and read. that's where i have learned the most. and if your gonna eventually use that whole space your gonna probably need some more start up money than 4g. but don't give up cause your location sounds prime. pics would be great!!