I have 2 plants in a 2x2 tent with sf1000 will they grow good th


Well-Known Member
They are in week 5-6 into flower and look ok I guess will post pics at7:00 when lights come on
Info is needed to give a proper response. How much water are you giving them? What are you feeding your plants? Are you growing hydroponically or with soil? What are the average temperatures in your tent and humidity? My previous grow was a 2x2 tent with 2 plants and a SF 1000. I was pleased with the results.:weed:


I have them growing in soil that I made myself composting fruits and vegetables coffee grounds eggshells all kinds of stuff I've been using the fox farm trio to feed them grow big tiger bloom all that good stuff my temperature down to 63 with lights off and up to 73 78 in between there with lights on humidity is usually between 40 and 60


Some pics of my girls I don't know why I did doubles and a few pics of the one on the right close ups this is a 2x2 tent with carbon filter exhaust fan I have one fan inside up above the light blowing air down and around 10" they are on milk crates and I have a fan blowing in at bottom with a small heater I turn on during lighting cycle the tent is in my basement


Well-Known Member
5-6 weeks flower huh. You still have a long ways ahead of you.
I can’t tell much from the pics. But they look green and happy. Just small flower size for 4 weeks but they could swell into something crucial.


It's my first time growing inside second growing since since I was a kid did 3plants over summer but didn't lst or anything got like a oz off each plant so I got a tent and been reading like everyone else that's new and stupid to gain some inside and I'm 5 weeks into flower and wanted to know if they look ok for where I'm at I aimed to have them 2' in hight