Unfortunately, I'm attracted to women.Why haven’t you?
No I only smell pussy when you type. I also find it strange how everyone has told a story about there profession in real life. Reading back it will show that you have NEVER mention any stories about hockey, working out, training or anything that a pro athlete would or should. Heck you spend all your life doing something and then come on RIU and ...nothing mention. Well I played football all the way until I lost my free ride for PARTY PARTY PARTY, but II still found and find my self spending time doing shit athletic. Never met a pro athlete who does not. What happened ? Did you get booty busted in the showers against your will ?You keep smelling pussy, Londumb. Maybe it’s your breath? Do you brush your teeth often?
Unfortunately, I'm attracted to women.
i haven't even looked at the rest of this thread, but someone saying that they don't want to suck a dick, they would find it disgusting, then saying they aren't condemning others for doing what they want to does that make you a homophobe? gay guys are disgucted at the thought of eating pussy, does that make them prejudice against straight people? may be right, he may be the biggest homophobe on the planet, but not because of that statement
Unfortunately, I'm attracted to women.
Nice try, but that would be a sexual assault, we were talking about consensual oral sex between two men when you referred to the act as disgusting.Exactly.
So if another man stuck his penis in your mouth, what would your reaction be? Would just start sucking it because to react any other way would be “homophobic”?
did something happen that you want to tell us about?...if another man stuck his penis in your mouth, what would your reaction be? Would just start sucking it ...
No I only smell pussy when you type. I also find it strange how everyone has told a story about there profession in real life. Reading back it will show that you have NEVER mention any stories about hockey, working out, training or anything that a pro athlete would or should. Heck you spend all your life doing something and then come on RIU and ...nothing mention. Well I played football all the way until I lost my free ride for PARTY PARTY PARTY, but II still found and find my self spending time doing shit athletic. Never met a pro athlete who does not. What happened ? Did you get booty busted in the showers against your will ?
Strong smell of vagina and bullshit coming from your way
So you think I should be telling stories about playing hockey in the politics section of a weed forum? Why?
I really don’t understand why you feel this is important or relevant to anything. Are you insecure and trying to impress total strangers?
Nice try, but that would be a sexual assault, we were talking about consensual oral sex between two men when you referred to the act as disgusting.
Histronic much?
did something happen that you want to tell us about?
So you think I should be telling stories about playing hockey in the politics section of a weed forum? Why?
I really don’t understand why you feel this is important or relevant to anything. Are you insecure and trying to impress total strangers?
Isn't that what you were doing when you told us all how much more money you made than us, or were you just establishing financial superiority?
Ok, then what would your response be if another man asked you if you would suck his dick? Of course, you would say no, because you’re straight, and the thought of another man’s penis in your mouth would revolt you. If that doesn’t turn you off, then maybe you are gay and haven’t come to terms with it. That’s fine too, Justin. There is nothing wrong with that.
I have never said that two gay men sucking each other’s penis was gross. I have simply said that it would disgust me to have another man’s penis in my mouth.
You agree with that, but refuse to admit it because you’re too worried about what your little club members might think.
did something happen that you want to tell us about?