I Hate The Cops!!!


Well-Known Member
SO there I was just getting out of the shower when I hear "POUND, POUND, POUND" on my front door. My first thought was "WTF??? there is only one kind of person that knocks that loud on any door... the COPS!"

And sure enough there they were our boys in blue with what i thought was a search warrent in hand. My balls flew up into my stomach at the site of it. then they asked does any one by the name of ******** (Previous owners of the house) live here? I told them how they had moved out of the house back in December. They were trying to serve a suppina, but it scared the shit out of me!!


Well-Known Member
I may be paranoid but i'm not stupid! there is no way i'm pulling my plants out for something like that.


Well-Known Member
I'm very glad they weren't there for you! I'll bet you were sweating bullets there for awhile.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Right on...
I myself wouldn't have opened the door especially with my big ass glass bong thats always sitting in my front room=)..LOL Im glad it all works out though


Rebel From The North
well you thought maybe they were just doing a knock and talk and useing that storie for a reason to be there they do this where i live in alaska to
get your door open to see if it smells. I might be tripping but a few friends in jail of mine wouldnt say that.


Well-Known Member
maybe but I'm not worried about it. My plants are hidden and I don't think that they are going to worry about me and my 4 plant. I don't sell it, its just for personal use and I have a scrubber to vent the smell. And from what I understand the people that lived here before me were crack heads.


Well-Known Member
So I don't understand what they did to make you hate them? Should have named your thread " I AM AFRAID OF COPS "


Well-Known Member
Thats a good point! I don't hate them they are just doing their job, and I respect them for that. They have a hard job and they don't get much credit for all of their hard work. I guess it is just the thought of getting busted for doing something that doesn't hurt anyone else that pisses me off.


Well-Known Member
not really a hard job fucking people over all day, seriously, what percentage of their actual time on the clock is catching pedophiles or serial killers?

its mostly all harassing people for victimless crimes (i.e. "war on drugs" or prostitution) exceeding the speed limit, or their own retarded racial/behavioral stereotyping to justify detaining and searching/harassing people.


Well-Known Member
not really a hard job fucking people over all day, seriously, what percentage of their actual time on the clock is catching pedophiles or serial killers?

its mostly all harassing people for victimless crimes (i.e. "war on drugs" or prostitution) exceeding the speed limit, or their own retarded racial/behavioral stereotyping to justify detaining and searching/harassing people.
Actually their job is extortion,they are highly trained in prusuing criminals who they can squeeze cash out of,the bulk of their training is in areas that generate cash flow,the mother fukers are like atm machines for the state.

Little training is offered them in the way of crime fighting,thats why they have a special cop for everything,have a hostage crisis call the negoiater,need a crime scene investigated call the csi guys,have a traffic accident involving death call the traffic investigator,and so on........

Fuken cops can kiss my ass.


Well-Known Member
I think you forgot the number one rule for police encounters.


Let them sit outside and marinate in their own filth. Or press the red button and drop the weighted spikes onto their heads. :D


Well-Known Member
hahahaha spikes. i wish . yea dont answer the door. if they are comming in they are comming in , whether with a foot or a battering ram like they did me in 2006. dont freak n pull plants. chances are they will search around. cant and wont open doors with locks unless they have a warrant. so its a good idea to get a lock on the door to the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Exact same thing happen to me 2 days ago. My wife had just got home from the grocery store and about 5 minutes later..Knock Knock Knock. It was a sheriff's deputy letting me know my wife left her car door open...lol

Gave my heart a nice lil jump start!!


Well-Known Member
Either way the outcome is the same isnt it.

Police = fucking over people.

Cops are nothing more than a gang of thugs,a legal gang but a gang none the less.
They enforce the laws. Laws can be changed. Hate the people sliding all these messed up laws into the books, not the cops that have to enforce these dumb laws . Their job is a shitty one.


Well-Known Member
They enforce the laws. Laws can be changed. Hate the people sliding all these messed up laws into the books, not the cops that have to enforce these dumb laws . Their job is a shitty one.
Not talking about MJ laws im talking about cops in general,the kind who drive right by you when your broke down on the side of the road,or talk to you as if your a non person if you have a confrontation with them.

Shitty job i agree but neither myself or the public choose their job for them,they did, then in most cases let the job & the power that comes with it go straight to their head.

When the people making the laws start shooting people with tasers & bashing people about the face & head with night sticks i'll hate them too,until then im sticking with hating the cops,i can live without any service they provide.

Cops are not our friends.


Well-Known Member
Bumper sticker from the 1960s:


Ah,another fellow geezer i see :mrgreen:

Funny thing is that ive never needed to call a cop in my life unless its been for insurance purposes with a police report,in times of real distress like a home invasion or breaking & entering your on your own,waiting on them will get you killed.

Problems are usually at the end by the time the cops show up.