I hate my hands....


Well-Known Member
cool, cos i woke up the other night with a hot chilli flake i ate on pizza earlier that night right? fucking on my dick. it hurt so bad.


Well-Known Member
what the fuck kind of condition is this? does it have a name? or are they just chafing from all those late night handjobs.


Well-Known Member
Hey, if It makes you feel better I have urticaria, and psoriasis, and the chronic joint pain/ inflammation that comes with it, scarring and pressure sores from when I got too thin all over my chest, back, ribs and hip bones. Sometimes it bleeds... Sorry to gross anyone out but just wanted to let you know you're not the only one. If my hands get wet in winter they just become raw and I literally can't use my hands or anything without agony.



Well-Known Member
oh. sometimes we eat pizza in bed, and i sleep nude. do that math :D
i took a painful shower then put on boxers, smoked a couple bongs. woke up and the pain was gone.
i'll have to block out the mental image of a naked man and take a mental note not to eat pizza in bed.. that shit just doesn't sounds fun.


Well-Known Member
i'll have to block out the mental image of a naked man and take a mental note not to eat pizza in bed.. that shit just doesn't sounds fun.
i'm about to hop in the shower and get my muscular body all wet and soapy now

talk to you guys later


Active Member
Since random nonsense seems to be the topic of every single one of urcas threads, what's the most random thing you've seen while driving??? I was down town pittsburgh on the west end a few months back and saw this really nice older el derado, and in the passenger seat was a kid wearing a helmet with lightning bolts on the sides of the helmet!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA looked just like special Ed from crank Yankers... Just a younger version. Epic!