I hate my hands....


Well-Known Member
fuck! It wasn't a thread, it was a post in this thread...someone said "i found a pic of urca" and posted a picture of a fat girl putting a dildo in her pussy, since been deleted...happy??
posting naked pics can get you banned..but im not a mod..................


Active Member
Something wrong withe your hand and neck now too, to go with your family problems, bf problems, school problems, your problem with other fat people.... I think the only problem is that you post shit Noone really gives a fuck about! You know how some people don't think before they talk, well your problem is kinda like that except worse.... I'm pretty sure you think long and hard before you post it knowing how retarded you are but still post it.... That's your problem!!


Well-Known Member
its just im tired of painful hands, ugly hands that require constant work to make them look normal, same applies to my neck and ears


Well-Known Member
i have a question about your hands urca. is it contagious? does your male friend now have itchy peeling penis skin?


Well-Known Member
no, its not contagious, and i usually dont have a problem with it when he comes around. for some reason the timing works out where im not have a flare up. there is no way to get it unless it develops on its own, its an immune reaction