As the title suggests, this post pertains to fungus gnats. God I hate them things! And they are seemingly unavoidable, unless I'm missing something.
For a brief intro, I'm no beginner at growing, however I wouldnt consider myself an expert either. Every cycle I'm constantly trying to learn new techniques to improve yields and make any neccesary changes as I see fit. I've had fungus gnats destroy a crop years ago, so I know what out of control problems can do.
Where I'm at now- before every grow, I let a can of Doctor Doom off in the room once the soil has already been mixed and in the pots for a few days, that way any bugs that might crawl out will have come out by then. I always remove all excess soil from the room as well. Now, I use approx 1/2" or so of GnatNix on top of the soil, place a couple liquid fungus gnat traps around the base of the plants, and hang a a yellow sticky tape trap next to the plants as well. Since I've made these changes, I've yet to have a gnat problem get out of control, but they're always there everytime still!
I've seen them crawling on the gnatnix on occasion, and last night had them exit from the drain holes on the pot when I watered the plant. I applied a 1:4 mixture of H2O to H2O2 to hopefully kill any eggs in there. 3/4 plants show no issues, but 1/4 never took off and is about to be removed from the room - I assume the gnats got at this plant when it was real young and stunted it.
What's the the best way to remove/battle these demons? Any tips to prevent them from entering the drain holes on the bottom of the pots? Being that GnatNix are no longer produced and I've only got a limited supply left, are they any other alternatives to this? Thanks a ton!