I hate fungus gnats!

Another vote for...


It just works.
Sticky traps to catch flyers.
Perfect, thanks. I'll definitely check it out and will probably pick some up. I've currently got sticky traps up already.
I've noticed it when I water the plants, and as soon as you see water come out through the drain holes, a few gnats fly out from down there. I feel like a physical barrier would be nice, but not sure how good that would work since it needs to be small enough to keep gnats out, but still large enough to allow the soil to get air and drain.

Thanks for the link and info, I'm going to head over and check it out now. This is new to me, havent heard of it/used it before.
I know some growers who use Air-pots, slip some pantyhose around the bottom of the pot. Depending on the size of the pot, they should work for a regular pot also
I know some growers who use Air-pots, slip some pantyhose around the bottom of the pot. Depending on the size of the pot, they should work for a regular pot also
Wow! This is like the most obvious common sense answer there is. Never once crossed my mind with the panty hose. Thanks for that! I think I'm going to go that route.
They are a little problematic for sure. Bt-Israelenensis strain. Thats the 'I'. I used pond treatment drops. Mixed in water or my tea every 4 days. It says use weekly but wasnt seeing improvement so went every 4 days.
I have this issue every winter time only in my indoors never spring or summer runs in the room. Once i see them i apply a layer of neem cake and worm casts on top. 1 oz each in my 1 gal pots. Then water in the Bt-I on schedule till gone. Takes a few weeks to eradicate completely but its relatively easy and doable.
IMO the neem cake also helps with PM being systemic. I started using the neem cake with my gnat control about 2 years ago. More to repel the gnats from laying eggs and to stop maggots from metamorphosis into adults. But my PM disappeared 99% no shit in my flower room.
I had these annoying little things once. Cut landscape fabric into circles the diameter of my pot. Cut a 2" x 2" "X" in the middle. Made a slit from the outside the "X". Placed on soil around stem. Put 4 shot glasses of vodka in the corners of my tent. Vodka caught the adults and the problem went away. Just my 2 cents. Don't like chemicals. Like vodka.
As the title suggests, this post pertains to fungus gnats. God I hate them things! And they are seemingly unavoidable, unless I'm missing something.

For a brief intro, I'm no beginner at growing, however I wouldnt consider myself an expert either. Every cycle I'm constantly trying to learn new techniques to improve yields and make any neccesary changes as I see fit. I've had fungus gnats destroy a crop years ago, so I know what out of control problems can do.

Where I'm at now- before every grow, I let a can of Doctor Doom off in the room once the soil has already been mixed and in the pots for a few days, that way any bugs that might crawl out will have come out by then. I always remove all excess soil from the room as well. Now, I use approx 1/2" or so of GnatNix on top of the soil, place a couple liquid fungus gnat traps around the base of the plants, and hang a a yellow sticky tape trap next to the plants as well. Since I've made these changes, I've yet to have a gnat problem get out of control, but they're always there everytime still!

I've seen them crawling on the gnatnix on occasion, and last night had them exit from the drain holes on the pot when I watered the plant. I applied a 1:4 mixture of H2O to H2O2 to hopefully kill any eggs in there. 3/4 plants show no issues, but 1/4 never took off and is about to be removed from the room - I assume the gnats got at this plant when it was real young and stunted it.

What's the the best way to remove/battle these demons? Any tips to prevent them from entering the drain holes on the bottom of the pots? Being that GnatNix are no longer produced and I've only got a limited supply left, are they any other alternatives to this? Thanks a ton!
If you’re using h202 make sure it’s agriculture strength at %24 if not it won’t be strong enough. That should take care of them in the medium if soil works like coco with that. Aside from that increase airflow especially on the top of the medium.
So I had these jerks on my first run, sticky traps really didn't do the trick for me, only got the adults. I had more every day.

One of my mentors turned me on to these, the next day after I used this they were all gone and I haven't seen one since.
Going through a little bout of this myself!.. I think I found patient zero, a Kosher Sorbet on the corner of tray 1. I noticed about 10 days ago a gnat flying round, and didn't think much of it. Fortunately, we have flood trays, and we have 7 gallon pots. I will feed until I see a good runoff on every one. So I may pump in 3.5 gallons, and get almost a gallon of runoff. As the runoff comes the end of the tray for extraction, I noticed a funny looking group of something floating on top of the water. I got the scope out, and FUCK!!!!, hundreds of baby larvae!.. SO, here's what I did. First, I put up 20 6x8 inch yellow sticky traps, and caught about 100 adults the first day. But before I hung the traps, I sprayed down the trays, and the topsoil with neem oil. I let each plant get to almost wilting before feeding them. I then sprayed neem oil on the top surface of the soil, flushed the piss out of them, and then sprayed another coat of neem oil on the top, wet surface of the soil. Over the past few days, I have just found dead larvae in the runoff, and Im not seeing any increase in the yellow traps, or anything flying around. So, .. I think I caught it early, and every plant has been flushed according to the water/feed log sheet, and it seems to be working for me.
EDIT: Im in week 3 of flower, but I never sprayed anything on the plant itself, just the soil and tray surfaces.
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