I hate dumb people


Well-Known Member
uh hmmmm lets see

here goes

row row row your boat

gently down the stream

merrily merrily merrily merrily
life is but a dream!

Hell yea !! rock on!!!


Well-Known Member
ok lymric time!!!

I once knew a man named Dave.

he had a dead whore in a cave

she was missing one tit and smelled like shit

but think of the money he saved!!


Well-Known Member
There once was a man from Alsass
Who had balls made out of brass
He rubbed them together
In stormy weather
And lightning shot out of his ass!


Well-Known Member
There once was a man named Screwy Dick,
A man who was born with a spiral prick.
His life was spent on one long hunt
to finda the girl with the spiral c**t.
When he found her, he dropped dead,
'cause she had a left hand thread!!!

James Bond

Well-Known Member
I know If I grow indoor's I'm guaranteed a huge harvest; I just didn't want to spend the extra money on: lights, temp/co2/humidifier controller, circuit box ect... I'ts not hard to grow a plant im just a little lazy. I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy. It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?
Hmmm............. This post makes me think the whole army infantry thing is a hoax.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
this dude is just a troll..........looking for attention from his lunatic ramblings

I agree, but I was just reading through his other started threads looking to see if he has ever said anything of any intelligence and sadly no. That one just seemed to really stick out to me about all his skills this and smarter than you that bs he has been feeding us and it really seemed to contradict any military teachings. Not that he doesn't contradict himself often, but this one stuck out. I also noticed his problem with not knowing how many plants he is going to grow from one moment to the next.


New Member
It must be hard for you people to believe a individual is stating the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his situation. I decided to make myself a completely honest individual, so then there may be one less bonehead in the world. Honestly I dont have enough suficient memory to make a successful liar. Speaking from my character I dont know If I'm a lie or the truth because a lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
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Well-Known Member
It must be hard for you people to believe a individual is stating the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his situation. I decided to make myself a completely honest individual, so then there may be one less bonehead in the world. Honestly I dont have enough suficient memory to make a successful liar. Speaking from my character I dont know If I'm a lie or the truth because a lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
what you are is a very confused person that should seek profesional help before you do any serious damage to yourself or others around you....:hump:


Well-Known Member
It must be hard for you people to believe a individual is stating the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his situation. I decided to make myself a completely honest individual, so then there may be one less bonehead in the world. Honestly I dont have enough suficient memory to make a successful liar. Speaking from my character I dont know If I'm a lie or the truth because a lie has speed, but truth has endurance.
but do you have spelling check? and it's "an" when the next word starts with a vowel. :mrgreen: as in "an ostrich". YouTube - Primus:Here Come The Bastards