I hate Conservative Christstains

Only if you are jahbrudda
although you might be a sock as well
You hear this from Unclebuck, did you?
The same UnclBuck that told you other I was Steve the dirty carpet guy that lived in SoCal.
Not my fault that routine made a fool of him. :lol:

You support people that research other members personal lives, that's taboo in this forum my friend.
Close your allies well.
You hear this from Unclebuck, did you?
The same UnclBuck that told you other I was Steve the dirty carpet guy that lived in SoCal.
Not my fault that routine made a fool of him. :lol:

You support people that research other members personal lives, that's taboo in this forum my friend.
Close your allies well.
i dont have allies
WTF is wrong with you?
Murdoch is very white pridey

I feel that I should interject this here Chesus, my good friend: I'm not a racist.

I like some whites, some blacks, etc. Not all of either race, but a lot of both.

I particularly like the ones who can take care of themselves. I really DISlike those who think the "guvment man" should steal my money and give it to them via government handouts. The ones that do that (white, black, hispanic, etc.) are fucking sorry leaches. Regardless of their color.

If that makes me racist, then please use a capital 'R'.
I feel that I should interject this here Chesus, my good friend: I'm not a racist.

I like some whites, some blacks, etc. Not all of either race, but a lot of both.

I particularly like the ones who can take care of themselves. I really DISlike those who think the "guvment man" should steal my money and give it to them via government handouts. The ones that do that (white, black, hispanic, etc.) are fucking sorry leaches. Regardless of their color.

If that makes me racist, then please use a capital 'R'.

I don't remember liking comments re Obama being a Kenyan homo. I may have, but if I did, I was probably a bit drunk, high, or both. Although I freely admit that I pretty much hate Obama as a president (like I did Jimmy Carter). But I don't hate either as people.
I don't invent racism from blacks; I just notice it when it happens.
I condemn white racism against blacks. As I do the reverse.
I know that you also condemn white racism against blacks. Yet you refuse to condemn the reverse.
So who is the real racist here Buck? You Buck; you.

Racist says?
Chesus, the jist of my comments to you regarding your stance on Christians and Muslims was that you hate one group (admittedly), yet I'll bet you think the other group (Muslims) are just fine.

Man, not all Christians are like the ones you've allowed to shape your opinion.

I admit, I extremely dislike some black people. Al, Jesse, Barrack, Louis, and others. But my dislike has nothing to do with them being BLACK. It has to do with their individual stupidity as humans. I feel the same way about many white people.

You, on the other hand, hate an entire group of Christians; even the ones you've never met or heard from. Which makes you the one to be felt sorry for here.
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I think everyone is capable of racism and probably has some inside somewhere. I agree with murdock as far as hating blacks, whites and others equally based on their actions. And not stereo-typing an entire race because of a few shitty apples. Have I had racist views about people in the past? Sure, but I have came a long way over the years to distance myself from my ignorance, and try to treat people the way I wanna be treated. As far as obama..he is a terrible man who's actions in my view, are destroying this country and plays the race card more than anyone on this forum. I will state my opinion of him and his mess. If in some mind's, that makes me a racist, I think I know where the ignorance truely resides. Also most conservative Christians are good people. We will help anybody we can at a moments notice, we love our country and what its founded on. We dont hate immigrants, but we don't like it when our laws are broken by illegal ones. So please don't put us in a catagory, if you do...does it not make you racist?
What's not cool is stealing someones identity to hide your identity on a cannabis forum, ask anybody, that's some lowlife scum shit.
I never once said I was that guy, so your accusation of identity theft is laughable.
The fact is, it was UncleBucks investigation that made you fools come to that conclusion.

Investigating a members personal information is some sneaky ass low life shit, especially on a pot forum.
You giving it a pass is almost as bad.
It's no big thing that you don't agree with my politics, but when you condone someone investigating other members, think again.