I had to harvest early


Well-Known Member
When a debate is sparked up I'll get on that just as quick as a bowl when I know I'm right.
Just a guess, but probably a safe bet you don't have 10 years between you or you would have at least heard of people making hash from fan leaves. It's not rare, it's not unusual, it's not unbeliievable, it's not even really out of the ordinary.

Ah fuck it, what's the point...
but no one was debating you...

nor was anyone questioning the fact that you probably have more experience (remind me to give you some rep for that accomplishment)

we just simply thought it wasnt the best idea...id rather spend $20 and get a small nug and actually get high then make shitty hash from fan leaves (which ive done with a 5 bag bubble bag system)...but thats the difference in me being what you referred to earlier as a "true stoner" and you being what you are...a "fiend"...nothing wrong with that, different strokes for different folks...

you may have 20 years experience, but how many of those are lost due to you being strung out on oxycontin (by your own admission in other threads) and norcos (not sure, but like you im probably making a safe bet)

i know a fiend like yourself, probably has nothing better to do then to sit on mommys couch and pick long drawn out arguments over the smallest discrepancies but when a gentleman like myself says "have an amazing day" theres no need for you to continue on with your "bitchassness"

^see, you made me pull an 'OregonMeds'^

have a coke and a smile


Well-Known Member
sure you can make hash oil from leaves - no one is debating that point. it's a tedious process with very little payoff and I will never do it, but you can.

however, statements were made that you can 'cure' fan leaves and smoke them in blunts to get high. in fact, a ratio was even proposed - if it's one hit high buds, then only three fan leaves will get you high - this is what we're replying to. who would ever 'cure' fan leaves? who would seriously roll a blunt of LEAVES. there are trichomes on the leaves, but not many. I'm not that desperate, nor will I ever be.

on another note, people arguing from authority are rarely listened to anyway. "i know more than you because i've ben growing for 50 years...blah...blah...blah"

it sounds a lot like "my dad can beat up your dad...my penis is bigger than your penis...blah...blah...blah" you may have 20 years of experience, but if you do, then why the hell are you smoking fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
Point in case i'd say this thread is closed gentlmen let the argument lay its self to rest but to add my two cents fna leaves blunts what the fuck ever! drying fan leaves are you out your fucking mind? what the point in growing buds and then smoking leaves? i think youve smoked one to many fan leaves in "your day" any ways good points both sides desperation is what brings you down.


Well-Known Member
Wow you're cool. I especially like how you want to attack my character because I am so disabled I've had to use narcotic pain meds in the past. If you read that then you also know I gave them up after less than a year too, but I guess that doesn't make me look bad so you left that out.

You're cool man.

At first I'm put out to be just flat wrong, then just not quite right, then just not ideal, then too assuming because I say I know I have more experience, then an ex junkie whatever the hell you're trying to say there.

Just making sure I am getting this all straight.

Oh yea and I argue too much or whatever and should take a clue from a gentleman such as yourself.

And I NEVER said I rolled or smoked a single blunt made of fan leaves, you people have bad reading comprehension skills I said you can, I didn't say you should or I do but I know many who do. Usually they pump them up with oil or resin or butter but I digress.

Thanks for putting me in my place.


No more, I just can't take it.


Well-Known Member
lay it to rest what is it you need to prove to the computer screen go play world of warcraft or get back to the origianl question. as for that its work it man smoke all those little buds one by one cure them would deff help the high.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again. You can actually get HIGH off leaves after two weeks of veg, you will not get high off bugles and salvia is not a "high".

If it takes you one puf on bud to get high three fan leaves or so will do the same, they'll taste like crap if they're ugly dried out old leaves but you can even make fresh leaves taste good enough to roll blunts with if you cure them as if they were actual bud. That's not going to do much for when our tolerance is really high but even a hardcore stoner with a week off is going to notice a true high coming on after less than 10 leaves.

I know more than you guys, I have done all this stuff for many years and it sounds as though neither of you have ever even tried it. ( No I don't mean I just smoked fan leaves all these years, but a true stoner has gotta do what he's gotta do when it's slim pickings.)
Here's what you said - my reading comprehension is just fine man... Feel free to get the last word...


Well-Known Member
since when are high people so angry? as for ur Q? i just like a half hr ago sampled my 48 day old bairly even dried it and it got me pretty damn high. so you should be fine. mine was just bags seed also, oh its my very first plant too so im a little exited lol peace.


Well-Known Member
People in chronic pain who don't do opiates and just live with it tend to be a little cranky at times. We suck...